7* Beta Ray Bill Question

TheshadowpantherTheshadowpanther Member Posts: 40
edited July 2024 in General Discussion
@KababDork @Crashed for paragon/valiant players doing the double track event and getting 7* Beta Ray, is there a path to awakening him? If it is in the very distant future is there a way to also get the 6* since awakening and sig up is already there?




  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,049 ★★★★★

    @KababDork @Crashed for paragon/valiant players doing the double track event and getting 7* Beta Ray, is there a path to awakening him? If it is in the very distant future is there a way to also get the 6* since awakening and sig up is already there?



    Hell enter the titan at some point just like normal champs. He's still a normal champ with a normal release. All the double track does is guarantee you get him for some cash instead of rng.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,588 ★★★★★
    The dup is get lucky
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