
Nacho98Nacho98 Member Posts: 396 ★★★
edited July 2024 in General Discussion
This game mode needs some serious work. I am a valiant player and have completed every piece of content in this game. Yet, I’m unable to get to zone 15 of saga incursions. Us as players deserve more visibility as to how this mode selects its nodes and defenders.

The combination of nodes I have seen is completely unfair and unpredictable. One eye open + mix master?? Freezer burn and biohazard thrown in? How fun and interactive! Don’t even get me started on the nodes that straight up take 25% or 50% of your health at the start of the fight.

I’ve been trying to complete this saga incursion with the hemostatic charge buff but I always run into bleed immune bosses that stop my run.

Does anyone else feel this frustration or am I just bad?


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,783 ★★★★★
    Have you tried Aegon or Angela/Odin?
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,441 ★★★★★
    Nacho98 said:

    This game mode needs some serious work. I am a valiant player and have completed every piece of content in this game. Yet, I’m unable to get to zone 15 of saga incursions. Us as players deserve more visibility as to how this mode selects its nodes and defenders.

    The combination of nodes I have seen is completely unfair and unpredictable. One eye open + mix master?? Freezer burn and biohazard thrown in? How fun and interactive! Don’t even get me started on the nodes that straight up take 25% or 50% of your health at the start of the fight.

    I’ve been trying to complete this saga incursion with the hemostatic charge buff but I always run into bleed immune bosses that stop my run.

    Does anyone else feel this frustration or am I just bad?

    I a valaint and just use ægon. Pretty much esay after 300 combo
  • Nacho98Nacho98 Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    Don’t have Aegon. Don’t have Angela or Odin as 7*
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,441 ★★★★★
    CGR. Odin as a 6 would work too. Not all need to be 7 star.
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,232 ★★★★
    I ran the hemostasic build with Venom, Bullseye, & Piggy. All the power sting boosters work for Ham too, so bleed immune is still possible. Having 2 champions that benefit from the hack, allows you, if needed, to drop 1 for a specific boss. Won't be a quick, but there's almost always a workaround...
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,627 ★★★★★
    Post your roster so we can help (omly clarity house of mirrors)
  • Noobmaster555Noobmaster555 Member Posts: 115
    I am a paragon and I have not completed every piece of content in this game. I completed all 15 zones of saga incursion without any unit use. I completed it with aegon.
  • Nacho98Nacho98 Member Posts: 396 ★★★

    These are my HoM/Clairty attackers
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,627 ★★★★★
    Venom + black cat + cheelith (odin prefights for venom) with hemostatic charge and buff corn

    Or adam + vox + venom (odin pre fights in vox ) with buff corn
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