New emotes

Hey guys
Can we get some other types of emotes? We have good game and taunt/**** on your opponent. How about some that aren’t about classless disrespecting of your opponent?
I’ll list a few funny ones and maybe someone else will have some good ideas.
Your strikers getting blocked
You’re getting punched through your block
Your baiting specials for 30 seconds
You’re hitting the special button and only blocking
You’re getting reparried
The opponent hits you with a special while you’re trying to use your at the end of your combo
That’s the 6 I’d love to have. Maybe one that just says kabammed? If we can basically **** on each other “for fun” then you should join the party too and let us blame you like most people on the forums. Or your very own moderators blaming us for sucking like recent events would allow us believe is behavior you also support.
Can we get some other types of emotes? We have good game and taunt/**** on your opponent. How about some that aren’t about classless disrespecting of your opponent?
I’ll list a few funny ones and maybe someone else will have some good ideas.
Your strikers getting blocked
You’re getting punched through your block
Your baiting specials for 30 seconds
You’re hitting the special button and only blocking
You’re getting reparried
The opponent hits you with a special while you’re trying to use your at the end of your combo
That’s the 6 I’d love to have. Maybe one that just says kabammed? If we can basically **** on each other “for fun” then you should join the party too and let us blame you like most people on the forums. Or your very own moderators blaming us for sucking like recent events would allow us believe is behavior you also support.