AI strategy

UnnamedPlayerUnnamedPlayer Member Posts: 15
Every character has a unique AI, and each of those AIs is different per gamemode and randomness. But there are some common issues players face when going against all of them that feel completely unavoidable.

Reparry is a good indication AI’s reaction speed is ridiculously high. The AI jitters like it’s on drugs and makes last second decisions that often result in the player taking hits.

The light intercept epidemic is a good derivative of this, but it’s own issue outright sometimes. You can play defensively and try to hit the defender at the beginning, middle, or end of their block timing. You can do it after they’ve just dodged back, been holding block for a while, after you’ve just dodged their attack, or after any special attack. Regardless of the timing or action sequence leading up to you dashing in, the AI can make the split second decision it wants to kill you and no amount of skill will save you. In my opinion, this is wrong. There can be more situational awareness to learn and adapt to, but having something completely unadaptable is painful for the majority of the playerbase.

There are many top players out there able to pick on many of the nuances of AI and play better than most players, but expecting this for general gameplay that isn’t everest or top competitive AW/AQ or BGs makes the game unappealing for many new players.

I wanted to reach out to the community and ask if there is a more nuanced AI tutorial or gameplay that can counteract these problems or what we should do to demotivate this AI behavior being continued into the future.
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