Discord based P4 alliance is looking for recruits for NEXT season.

EPIC is a member of the SHADE family, and are looking to have some conversations leading into next season.

Are you part of an alliance where you don’t believe in the direction it’s heading? Or just think you want more of a challenge?

EPIC (SH&D3), is running
AQ 8-6-6 (Will be 8-8-6 after raid week)
Raids – 100%
AW – Tier 4, Platinum 4 (Last two season were G1, for full disclosure)
BG – 200K minimum

What we’re looking for is : 3m minimum, 20K prestige. Valiant *or* working towards Valiant. If you’re a talented player with a strong top end of your roster, we can always figure something out.

So if this sounds like a conversation you want to have, and think it’s time for a change, or your alliance just isn’t what it used to be.

Lets chat :

Discord – mrdooman

P.S – We are part of a 13 alliance family, if this doesn’t sound like quite the right fit. We do have others you can chat with.

P.P.S – I am **only** looking for changes for after the season. We’ve gotten this far with this group, they’ve earned this season. We’re just considering the future health of the alliance with any potential changes.
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