The point of the Grandmaster's Gauntlet in 2024

So I became TB this year and saw the GM'S Gauntlet and I saw the rewards, and I don't think the difficulty matches the rewards and I feel like it needs a tune up or something.
But the quest was definitely fun, and it has two carina ccp challenges for endgame players.
Rewards are decent
It was fun
Zemo mvp for gauntlet
Head bobble shake bobble my head shake bobble
22.5M gold
5 6* nexus
150k 6* shards
250 6* sigs.
Wtf u on mate?
How many max sig 6* you have throne breaker?
Also G.G. is a good practice for the higher HP with restrictions and the better you get at it the easier other content becomes.
Using Zemo in there really openend up my eyes to exactly how much he can do. He's insane in there, even for fights you wouldn't think he could do. My run with Zemo was the only time I ever solo'd Nameless Thanos, for example. He just melted. I even missed a whole phase because he just bled his way through it before throwing any specials.
Likewise with the Avengers challenge, I really enjoyed it. You don't realize exactly how much thought KarateMike put to it until you actually run it and realize how easy you get through stuff (at least compared to how tough you thought it would be). OG Black Widow is such an MVP in there, but Ant-Man, OG Thor, Iron Man and Hawkeye all put in some good work in there.
Generally speaking, I think the right way to go about asking for increased rewards for particular pieces of content, is by asking for new challenges within that content with up-to-date rewards. That way, both new and old players can partake in eaning them at the same time.