Dust light attack purify generating 2 sand apposed to 3

Derman789Derman789 Member Posts: 60
When using dust and purifying a sand debuff to a sand passive it is only generating two sand passive though I believe it should produce three


  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 184
    edited August 7
    Just tested this out, and yeah you only get 2 sand passives when purifying the debuff. That’s a pretty significant bug for dust since it makes her ramp a lot slower.
  • Derman789Derman789 Member Posts: 60
    Still broken
  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 566 ★★★
    This bug has been for a while. Along with Galan’s incinerates, there doesn’t seem to be a rush to fix
  • Steam97Steam97 Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Derman789 said:

    Still broken

    Kabam knows about it but it will probably be forever bugged like galan lol
  • KingInBlackKingInBlack Member Posts: 318 ★★★
    Not only that but she doesn't deal the burst damage from the purify which is a significant portion of her kit offensively. I've been chasing her in the 6* featured (no luck) but landed her 7* from a titan only to be disappointed at her being bugged. Has there been any word from kabam on this or a potential fix timeline?
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 5,805 ★★★★★

    Not only that but she doesn't deal the burst damage from the purify which is a significant portion of her kit offensively. I've been chasing her in the 6* featured (no luck) but landed her 7* from a titan only to be disappointed at her being bugged. Has there been any word from kabam on this or a potential fix timeline?

    I believe that's a problem for all mutants who do burst damage on Purify; so Bishop and possibly Havok as well.
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