Use or hold 7* Titan Shards?

I have enough shards to pop a titan crystal, but with the pool changing soon, I’m wondering if I should use them or wait for the refresh. I’ve opened two this cycle, got Silver Sable twice, but I’d really love a champ like Onslaught or Serpent and don’t know if I should risk it or hold the shards. Please feel free to explain your responses if you feel comfortable!
But I'm going to hold for long time, at least till Thing, Blade, spiderpunk, sersi, northstar, Sable leaves the entire crystal pool.
Open now if you can't hoard
Because next two Titan pool will be the biggest dud heavy of all Titan pools.
Me personally have like 15 7 stars to open and 70 6 stars to open. I don't open when I get a certain amount. For example. I'm sitting 1.8 mil of 5 star shard stuff. It's all iso tbh. Plus max duping a champ is cool. But me personally would hold til I feel when time is right.
Do we know who's in it???
I'm also in same position and can't decide.
Onslaught, Bullseye, White Tiger, Red Skull, Sersi & Thing
replaced by
Arcade, Northstar, Patriot, Leader, Superior Iron Man & Hood
blade, silver sabel are still in there
Hope her rebalance is good for you!
Those who were saying open the crystal needs this type of bad luck literally opened this Titan last month got blade and opened two titans today got this mf twice 😔
Ok but… when the pool changes on Tuesday Blade will still be in it
And take in the factor about sig abilities.
Because there is no correct answer imo for this one as it depends on individual taste.
Hope you don't pull Sable from current one
I'm a hoarder. I had 120,000 Titan shards saved up last month, but opened them to try to awakened Serpent. I got White Tiger which was a huge win in my book, but part of me wishes I had saved them now that I know one of my most requested champs, SPIRAL, will be in the game in November.
There's really no right or wrong answer for this. It's totally up to you.