Initial Thoughts on Beta Ray Bill?



  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,194 ★★★★
    I'm a huge fan. As bad as deathless vision is. Beta ray is good
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,536 ★★★★★
    edited August 2024
    Bendy said:

    NONYABIZZ said:

    NONYABIZZ said:

    But low-key I am excited to enchantress. Not ideal to start hating until we get our hands on her first.
    Let's see how good she is offensively first I do think she's better than alot of 2024 champs offensively as well just seems too complex

    In all seriousness she has ridiculous utility, I just don't think the damage looks good in short fights cause she needs to be able to ramp to shine. She seems like a very strong defender though so probably will be a must have regardless.
    Let's wait and see. I guess I'm a little bit nicer cos I'm happy with how BRB is performing. Remember, I did tell you I was going to be joining you in your enchantress rants if she were to underperform.
    But seeing BRB have Great damage has given me hope that maybe the remainder champs will follow.
    Let's wait and see when enchantress releases how she will perform
    I don't think there's any hope left for Enchantress though cause even Dave and Mike said it, primarily for defense and long form content, which definitely makes sense if you look at the same rank Galan fight on the deep dive.
    With that being said, I do hope we get better damage dealers the rest of the year, BRB seems like a nice start.
    If we base on what kabam has said i think we are still with defenders until next year
    If that's the case then it's going to be a very boring and long year.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    NGL: It took me a few hours to figure out a rotation that could unlock the DPS that I could actually do; I have never pretended I was the most skilled player this game has ever seen, and there was a little bit of a skill issue that was holding me back

    But after practicing for a few hours, yeah. I get it. There’s some nasty, nasty stuff you can do with this kit, especially if your Intercepts are on point

    For me, I am going to have to main this kit a lot over the next little while, just to probably be in the bottom tier of players who use it

    The top players who use it, though? Those people are going to do some crazy, crazy things with it
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★

    RoL and LoL
  • SpoonerbotSpoonerbot Member Posts: 6
    anyone should i get 6* R4 B Bill awakened and ascended, or 7* R1
  • SpoonerbotSpoonerbot Member Posts: 6
    cus idk if the 7* has more burst dmg or if the max sig is better
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    anyone should i get 6* R4 B Bill awakened and ascended, or 7* R1

    Here’s my opinion — just me who is not in the top tier of skilled players, as I noted above:

    The awakened ability really helps me, because it means I can mitigate some of the damage from missing the intercept after I charge the Intensity. I wasn’t able to unlock the DPS until I could get that charging mechanic before the L2 right, and I couldn’t get it right without a safety net at least some of the time.

    I think a skilled player who knows they’re gonna nail that Intensity mechanic probably 75 percent of the time or more can roll with an unduped version just fine

    Time will tell, but I think the awakened version will be more useful to those of us who come in at less than 75 percent or so of getting the Intensity and intercepting right, if that helps at all
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,597 ★★★★★
    He's so good that now I'm afraid he'll get tuning

    But surely Kabam won't do that, after they refused to tune Bullseye Onslaught, there's no way BrB will get tuning,
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,145 ★★★★★
    Solvseus said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Maybe. But every comic character gets new looks all the time. Don't like one? It'll change sooner or later lol.


    Funny but his in game look is based on the current look in comics.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    He's so good that now I'm afraid he'll get tuning

    But surely Kabam won't do that, after they refused to tune Bullseye Onslaught, there's no way BrB will get tuning,

    Honestly? I sincerely doubt the kit will be tuned, even with the Big Boi DPS it’s generating.

    There’s no power control or automatic healing mechanic. No Immortality mechanic. No Ability Accuracy protection or reduction. The buffs on the kit are active, not passive, which means they can be nullified or neutralized.

    Shock Immunity isn’t the most common piece of utility in the game, but a decent number of kits do have it and it’s an easy enough node to place, if the game team is designing something.

    Also: There’s a bit of a skill cap in there. It can be managed and learned, but it’s not something like the Aegon/Star-Lord hit counter mechanic, where you just keep your combo and good things happen. You have to do stuff with the kit, optimally do intercepting, and if you mess up, you can get hit.

    My default for stuff like this is CGR, similar kits. Huge DPS isn’t the red flag it maybe was three or four years ago; the hit pools in this game can get a little crazy for the toughest content. At some point, there does have to be some kits that just give huge DPS
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 334 ★★★

    cus idk if the 7* has more burst dmg or if the max sig is better

    Don’t let this be the reason to not own a guaranteed 7* Beta Ray Bill. He’ll be in the 6* Featured soon, you can pull and awaken/sig him up there. The 7* won’t be back until he’s added to the Titan pool in November. The sig ability is awesome, but absolutely not needed for him to be busted.

    See below for a r5a sig 200 6* Bill max possible burst compared to a r3 7* Bill max possible burst. Yea, r3’s are stronger than r5a’s, but what possibly would be the reason to look at the unduped 7* and say “eh that’s not enough burst”?

  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,343 ★★★★
    Solvseus said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Adding that makes him overcomplicated? He still looks good and he’s animated well, it doesn’t detract much from him tbh

    It doesn’t, but his old look in the comics was fine. This just seems unnecessary. Compare it to someone like Drax, who used to look goofy in the comics, but then they simplified him. Sometimes simpler is better.
    Yeah, sometimes, but not always. This look distinguishes him from thor which I think is important at this stage
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    I was kinda talking about this after the SIM buff dropped, but I think sometimes there are so many characters in the game now, it’s truly hard to master them all and realize the true potential of them all.

    I don’t want to pretend that BRB doesn’t hit REALLY HARD. The kit certainly does.

    But man, I have been messing around with a couple of kits over the last few days and considering writing too-long posts about because they are absolutely broken kits and I can’t tell if everyone knows it and just doesn’t talk about it or care, or if people simply haven’t explored their true potential, for whatever reason

    There are some ridiculous DPS kits in this game that people might be using a lot but they definitely aren’t talked about a lot, at least on here
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,343 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    I mean I guess he’s aight ;)

    Science Scorpion confirmed?
    We already have a science scorpion. That is scorpion, lol.
    Meant to say cosmic scorpion
    Barely? These kind of comparisons are always a bit if a stretch
  • t123459t123459 Member Posts: 105
    ESF said:

    PT_99 said:

    He's so good that now I'm afraid he'll get tuning

    But surely Kabam won't do that, after they refused to tune Bullseye Onslaught, there's no way BrB will get tuning,

    Honestly? I sincerely doubt the kit will be tuned, even with the Big Boi DPS it’s generating.

    There’s no power control or automatic healing mechanic. No Immortality mechanic. No Ability Accuracy protection or reduction. The buffs on the kit are active, not passive, which means they can be nullified or neutralized.

    Shock Immunity isn’t the most common piece of utility in the game, but a decent number of kits do have it and it’s an easy enough node to place, if the game team is designing something.

    Also: There’s a bit of a skill cap in there. It can be managed and learned, but it’s not something like the Aegon/Star-Lord hit counter mechanic, where you just keep your combo and good things happen. You have to do stuff with the kit, optimally do intercepting, and if you mess up, you can get hit.

    My default for stuff like this is CGR, similar kits. Huge DPS isn’t the red flag it maybe was three or four years ago; the hit pools in this game can get a little crazy for the toughest content. At some point, there does have to be some kits that just give huge DPS
    1- yes indeed specially after the release of insane defenders not only for bg purposes but for long form content. imagine a future serpent in something like necropolis .
    2- its not bad to introduce a character with 5/5 damage after consecutive 5/5 defenders and honestly as people have mentionned hes not even op herc cgr hulkling venom and hyp are better than him overall in my op . his buffs are not passive and can be nullified so he s defiently balanced
    time will tell i guess
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 334 ★★★

    EdisonLaw said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    I mean I guess he’s aight ;)

    Science Scorpion confirmed?
    We already have a science scorpion. That is scorpion, lol.
    Meant to say cosmic scorpion
    Barely? These kind of comparisons are always a bit if a stretch
    Nah bro trust, Hercules is the Cosmic Corvus 💪🏽
  • Cuber2906Cuber2906 Member Posts: 191

    EdisonLaw said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    I mean I guess he’s aight ;)

    Science Scorpion confirmed?
    We already have a science scorpion. That is scorpion, lol.
    Meant to say cosmic scorpion
    Barely? These kind of comparisons are always a bit if a stretch
    Nah bro trust, Hercules is the Cosmic Corvus 💪🏽
    after sp intercepting with sp1, he becomes the skill bullseye
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,836 ★★★★★
    Cuber2906 said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    EdisonLaw said:

    I mean I guess he’s aight ;)

    Science Scorpion confirmed?
    We already have a science scorpion. That is scorpion, lol.
    Meant to say cosmic scorpion
    Barely? These kind of comparisons are always a bit if a stretch
    Nah bro trust, Hercules is the Cosmic Corvus 💪🏽
    after sp intercepting with sp1, he becomes the skill bullseye
    And critting on almost every hit after the precisions from sp1, He becomes the mutant domino.
  • Oliver345781Oliver345781 Member Posts: 246 ★★
    Man i wanna take him to r3 so bad! But i still need t4 alpha :(
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,713 ★★★★★
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 764 ★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:
    Hear me out, MAYBE JUST MAYBE... The people who have him can form an opinion based on testing instead of letting a creator tell them how to feel about a champion...
  • Oliver345781Oliver345781 Member Posts: 246 ★★
    EdisonLaw said:
    Oh great what did he say this time?
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 334 ★★★
    NONYABIZZ said:

    EdisonLaw said:
    Hear me out, MAYBE JUST MAYBE... The people who have him can form an opinion based on testing instead of letting a creator tell them how to feel about a champion...
    Now that's just crazy talk. You're makin too much sense now ya hear!!
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