Who are your top 3 favorite champs in the game?



  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    1. Doctor Doom
    2. Crossbones
    3. Spider Ham
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,679 ★★★★
    Gotta be ibom, kate and lizard when he comes out (he's in the background of the science lab and he looks just like the kaprosuchus from jurassic world the game).
  • OscarBitTDMOscarBitTDM Member Posts: 12
    #1 Hit-monkey
    #2 Guardian
    #3 CGR
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,654 ★★★★★

    #1 Hit-monkey
    #2 Guardian
    #3 CGR

    Ansh_A said:

    1. Doctor Doom
    2. Crossbones
    3. Spider Ham

    Two individuals with Nimrod profile pics yet don’t have him on their list, why?
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    #1 Hit-monkey
    #2 Guardian
    #3 CGR

    Ansh_A said:

    1. Doctor Doom
    2. Crossbones
    3. Spider Ham

    Two individuals with Nimrod profile pics yet don’t have him on their list, why?
    Nimrod would be in my top 5 but not top 3. I played Nimrod for the first time as my primary attack team when i reached 6*s but Doom, Ham and Crossbones helped me win a lot when i didnt know how to play during the 3* days. Cant underestimate the power of nostalgia. Maybe when we reach 10*s, i will have Nimrod in my nostalgia team for the work he is putting in now.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    I don't know if I think these are my all-time faves, but the ones I'm enjoying the most right now are Adam Warlock, Baron Zemo and Spidey Supreme. I also just rank 3'd Venompool and am having a lot of fun with him in BG.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I don't know if I think these are my all-time faves, but the ones I'm enjoying the most right now are Adam Warlock, Baron Zemo and Spidey Supreme. I also just rank 3'd Venompool and am having a lot of fun with him in BG.

  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,521 ★★★★★
    Goat Doom
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,521 ★★★★★

    1-Doctor Doom
    2-Victor Von Doom
    3- Ruler Of Latveria

    ALL CAPS when you spell the man name

  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★

    That I use
    1. Black Widow (Deadly Origins)
    2. Serpent
    3. Attuma

    That I LIKE
    3. Yellowjacket
    2. Corvus
    1. ...Do I even got to say it...

    If I can get a 7 star Punisher I would instant rank 3 him. I only have a 5 star and under so he's useless for most content.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★

    1: Hulkling (jsut destroys everything)
    2: Juggs ( I like mine big)
    3: CCM (first 6 star ever, sentimental value)

    This is a personal perference so I don't have to like what everyone else like.

    Came here for this comment 🩵 (pssst...it's C-M-M though)
    Not sure why I type CCM, definitely meant CMM.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Diablo, just an all around useful champ that saved me a ton of potions and revives since his buff.
    Prowler, just a fun champ to play with decent damage and utility.
    Kingpin, the answer to almost any debuff heavy match up.
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 786 ★★★★
    edited August 2024
    Venom, Venompool and DDHK.
  • JethuaJethua Member Posts: 135 ★★
    1 - Prof x
    2 - Kate
    3 - CGR
  • OmedennOmedenn Member Posts: 898 ★★★
    1. Knull
    2. Mojo
    3. Black Panther
  • Demonic_embraceDemonic_embrace Member Posts: 183 ★★
    Spidergwen, spidergwen, spider Gwen. She was my very first five and seven star champion. Got me thru so much content
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,654 ★★★★★
    edited August 2024
    Emilia90 said:

    1. Kate: Love everything about her. Was on her hype train day one and I’m sad she isn’t coming as a 7* anytime soon
    2. Chavez: Synergy with Kate but also a fantastic standalone champ that does so much for me
    3. A couple different champs rn. Loving using Adam, SIM, Hulk, and Starky

    Every single champion will come as a 7*, but some may take a while, including Kate.
  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    1. Thanos
    2. Hulk
    3. Juggernaut
  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    1. Vox
    2. Juggs
    3. Bullseye(yes as an attacker)
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,400 ★★★
    Ham Shang and hulkling
  • CsuttonCsutton Member Posts: 231 ★★
    1. Silver disabled
    2. Duped 7* ihulk
    3. Thing from the titan
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 864 ★★★

    Not the newest or the "best", but they look cool, do stuff and most are not available as 7*. BWCV would be an awesome 7* though!
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