Did you plan for Crucible, or just jump right in?

Did you plan out your crucible path, somewhat plan it or just jump right in and hope you didn't hit a roadblock? I personally just jumped right in for path 1, and path 2 I did the same with even less planning and looking at the nodes since I had so many revives.
Did you plan for Crucible, or just jump right in? 87 votes
Props to Eggatron for making the planner; and to KT1 and McocNoob for good walkthroughs.
Second path, I'm being a bit smarter, checking a few people's lists for suggested Champs before making my decision.
And I had to restart once because of Rhino ... used Zemo but his disorients are passive so they didn't count for the node smh.
Overall for exploration I spent maybe 10 revives.