Need guidance on who I should focus on next

User123456789User123456789 Member Posts: 43
edited August 13 in General Discussion
I have most of the resources to take a r1 or r2 6* to rank three and I need help deciding who I should choose. Thanks in advance for the help.

These are my best champs:

And these are all my rank one and rank two 6*s:


  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 3,075 ★★★★
    Massacre. If you have a kraven somewhere then maybe you can rank agent venom and do the agent venom, scorpion and kraven synergy which makes agentvenom really good. He will be terrible with out synergy tho and no good in battlegrounds etc
  • Cuber2906Cuber2906 Member Posts: 131
    kushala for overall use and utility. also massacre is gud
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