A question about Kate..

PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
How many trick arrow passives of each type should she apply at sig 200?


  • mbgibsonmbgibson Member Posts: 120
    Her sig doesn't effect the trick arrow passives; so 2 unless you run the Chavez synergy for 1 extra. "Dialed In" passives from perfect release increase by 1 with awakening, sig 100, and sig 200 respectively. That puts the total "Dialed In" passives at 5 for sig 200.
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    K thanks
  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,704 ★★★★
    She's so good when you learn her. Got mine at r5 sig 200. Hope she becomes a 7* soon.
  • NONYABIZZNONYABIZZ Member Posts: 774 ★★★★

    She's so good when you learn her. Got mine at r5 sig 200. Hope she becomes a 7* soon.

    I don't think the 7* will be better than the r5 in longer matchups tho since she needs max sigs
  • Itachi_11Itachi_11 Member Posts: 14

    She's so good when you learn her. Got mine at r5 sig 200. Hope she becomes a 7* soon.

    You know what’s funny, she could’ve already been a 7* but people chose Shang over her. Fair enough it was the safer option but if people actually played her back then you would’ve seen how powerful she was. I was one of the few that voted for her 😭
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,722 ★★★★★
    At sig 200 KB😍 degenerates rival with Cryo Arrow much faster
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