Thoughts on Reunion Calendar (Valiant)

Just a quick totally scientific check to gauge forums opinions on the items included with the 10-year Valiant calendar…
Thoughts on Reunion Calendar (Valiant) 155 votes
Here you go…
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
6star shards, I really only look at as 7star shards yet to be converted. There really isn’t a 6star I need or am excited about anymore, and that’s probably true of most valiants. Shoot I don’t even horde for featureds as I’d rather not trade them in at a lower conversion rate. So those days for me equal about 800ish 7star shards. Again it’s free, so I’m not upset with it, just sharing what I see when I see 6star shards.
More 7star sig crystals or 7star shards would be relevant to Valliant players as potential alternative.
Dr. Zola
Thanks Kabam, between all of the reunion events there’s a lot of great stuff on offer.
I'd just wish for a full 7 star crystal and maybe some ascension dust
Dr. Zola