Science R2 suggestion

AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 474 ★★★
As in next aw season tactics is going to change. So need suggestion for my science R2. I don't have much science in 7*. Hulk is R3 and silk is R2.

For I can see 2-3 eligible candidates. Please specify if other are also worth R2

Science R2 suggestion 22 votes

Ragnarok13Bosleycscale0725_gmailFutbol_4_LIFE 4 votes
Luke Cage
HendrossMCoC_fancaptain_rogersjcphillips7Wolf911Ioniqus_797OakenshieldEdisonLawNemesis_17Stone3xGusAr418Nacho98Hulk808 13 votes
13579rebel_WonderWander 2 votes
Other(please specify)
Spity68BeastDadPaul_Rudd 3 votes


  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 875 ★★★★
    Luke Cage
    if overseer was duped my vote would be him but luke is pretty good
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    Luke Cage
    I mean you already have silk who is tactic so maybe invest in other champ If you want someone from the bunch though, definitely luke.

    But you may waitt until the tactic change to see which champ benefits the most
  • Stone3xStone3x Member Posts: 63
    Luke Cage
    Take up that luke, one off the best science champs as a 7* when it comes to versatility and even better that you have him duped
  • Paul_RuddPaul_Rudd Member Posts: 161
    Other(please specify)
    Morbius, because it’s Morbin Time
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