paragon gauntlet

Dear Kabam, please consider removing the "must explore thronebreaker event quest" requirement for the paragon gauntlet.... maybe at least for Valiant players? If not altogether? The gauntlet is good, rewards feel good for the effort, but spending hours and hours slogging through EQ sucks. It's not fun, it's not challenging (usually), and I don't want the rewards. Either remove the requirement, or make EQ shorter, or buff EQ rewards, please.

I agree with @CavemanOOG on all the other points he made. It'll be overall pro-player and won't harm the current economy of the game. Please consider this, Kabam and/or @KabamDORK (not sure who looks at these things, these days).
As a new Valiant player (as of about 3 weeks ago) I’m already seeing the difference between Paragon and Valiant and even the Paragon Gauntlet rewards aren’t really needed as I’m drowning in catalysts
The ONLY thing I want is the Tier 2 dust but I can’t find the motivation to go after it given all the current issues with AI, input drops, lag, frame rate, etc
And then you throw Enchantress in to the mix as a boss… yeah, nah I’ll skip the lot this month and just grab the stuff from Side Event (speaking of which, the Traders store isn’t great for a new Valiant either)