Are there any MCoC Podcasts out there? Good ones?

PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
When I stopped playing, a few years ago (just after Shang-Chi was released) I followed a couple of MCoC Podcasts, namely UMCOC and the @RichTheMan / Frontline collaboration. But when I returned I found them both no longer updated.

I follow plenty of YouTube channels but can't always be watching videos and would be really interested to follow any GOOD podcasts about the game, if there were any I could find.

Anyone? Bueller?


  • BadMother2BadMother2 Member Posts: 41
    Despite being YouTube videos DLL’s champion spotlights w context are basically podcasts, and very helpful. JayAxe also does some interviews w community members and Kabam employees
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,225 ★★★★★

    Despite being YouTube videos DLL’s champion spotlights w context are basically podcasts, and very helpful. JayAxe also does some interviews w community members and Kabam employees

    His voice and talking cadence are also just made for podcasting tbh
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    I enjoy the MCOC & me podcast, Zac Rossi is the host. Very down to earth, average Joe player experience. It’s relaxing to listen to even if he doesn’t have all the answers.

    There aren’t many mcoc podcasts out there, maybe I’ll start one 😂😂
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