Thanks to reunion crystals

Thanks to reunion crystals I fully unlocked suicide masteries. And needless to say I'm completely addicted to having them on all the time. Which champions work best with suicide masteries?

Captain Marvel movie
Black widow Clairvoyant
Most Robotic Champions
Bleed and or poison immune Champion
Champions that purify thier debuffs
and of course, Ghost.
Getting coagulate 3/3 will get you freedom to run any champ.
and of course, Sinister.
She's great because with Max double suicides, she does more damage and heals more.
Just make sure to switch to poison at beginning of fights. Then cycle back to whatever you want
I think it's time to say farewell to pacify.
Glass cannon is not a good mastery to running you don’t run suicides. Yeah you do a little more damage but all your defenders also get nuked way faster. Not worth
1) Nick Fury has a synergy with a bunch of the Deadpools where he purifies a bleed or poison debuff off you and gives you a passive regen. This makes a ton of champions fairly suicide-friendly that otherwise wouldn't be.
2) Champions with good regen are probably suicide-friendly regardless of whether they are immune to any of the debuffs or if they need to spam special attacks.
3) Champions without any good regen should probably not rely on spamming special attacks.
4) Champions that are immune to poison or bleed are good with suicides. Champions that are resistant to those debuffs are amazing with suicides since they'll constantly be healing from them.
5) Most champions are suicide-friendly for a single fight (unless it's some endgame fight where things can drag out for a long time/require many special attacks). It generally only becomes a problem if you have to use them for several fights and they continuously lose health throughout a quest. But that's why the Nick Fury synergy is so helpful.
6) You don't lose any health to recoil when throwing SP3s, so champs that rely on them can work really well even if they don't have any regen or immunites/resistances.
Hope this helps!
This is what I'll suggest.
You'll 7 points to assign. Give it to Dex, WP or deep wouns.
Limber is key for defence, and helps when you get stunned as attacker. Strongly suggest to keep it for BGs or war.