I think it works like this although I’m not too sure myself:
If you already have the Seasoned Summoner then I think you’ll get it but if you don’t then already then you won’t get it(?). I do agree that Kabam’s statement of giving the title to ‘summoners who were with us at the beginning’ is a brief and quite vague statement as opposed to an actual date before or after.
Back in the beginning, I remember the only people that had any more experience than me were the people that did beta testing. I think they started around the end of September 2014.
I think it works like this although I’m not too sure myself:
If you already have the Seasoned Summoner then I think you’ll get it but if you don’t then already then you won’t get it(?). I do agree that Kabam’s statement of giving the title to ‘summoners who were with us at the beginning’ is a brief and quite vague statement as opposed to an actual date before or after.
I wish it was this way. I got the seasoned summoner title last year during the 2nd anniversary week, but did not get howling commando today. Not worried too much, but kinda a bummer imo just because it doesn’t make sense in regards to the title I got last year.
I do agree that Kabam’s statement of giving the title to ‘summoners who were with us at the beginning’ is a brief and quite vague statement as opposed to an actual date before or after.
Back in the beginning, I remember the only people that had any more experience than me were the people that did beta testing. I think they started around the end of September 2014.
If they want to give it to Beta testers only, I'd be fine with that (they should already have a unique title, imho)... but I agree with Titan, and if that were the case, then they should have been more specific about what they meant by "from the beginning". Heck, even if they meant Dec 10 ppl only, they should have just come out and said it. I started on Dec 17, 2014. I think that more than classifies as from the beginning. Esp with alllllllllllllll that we have been through since then!
I think there are two courses of action available to us:
1) Sit and wait and see if somebody from Kabam comments on this and gives us the exact criteria of what will earn the Howling Commando title this year, or
2) Submit a ticket and send them the information on when you started (screen shotting your 2* champ cheeve is probably the easiest way to prove it that I have seen) and have them respond to you. If all of us true early adopters do this, I think we stand a pretty good chance of getting favorable results. I think it'd be safe to say that anybody who had played on or before January 9, 2015 should be considered, but definitely those of us that were within the first week, if not the entirety of December 2014.
I started December 10th, 2014 & got the title so people who joined that day deserve it. After all, today (12/10/2017) is the three year anniversary...
I could not locate your in-game profile, but I searched the Top 100 looking for someone who has the HC title. #44 A-Bomb was the first I found. The description of the title leads me to believe that us "first-weekers" will get it, but on the date of our individual third anniversary, as long as it occurs during this anniversary week, which ends on December 17. And as long as you log in between your date and the 17th. The description reads:
"Logged in during Anniversary Week (December 10th to 17th) and account is at least 3 years old."
You can see that you'll meet that criteria on your anniversary date, as long as it occurs prior to December 17. If you don't receive your HC title that day, then commence ticket launch!
I started December 10th, 2014 & got the title so people who joined that day deserve it. After all, today (12/10/2017) is the three year anniversary...
I could not locate your in-game profile, but I searched the Top 100 looking for someone who has the HC title. #44 A-Bomb was the first I found. The description of the title leads me to believe that us "first-weekers" will get it, but on the date of our individual third anniversary, as long as it occurs during this anniversary week, which ends on December 17. And as long as you log in between your date and the 17th. The description reads:
"Logged in during Anniversary Week (December 10th to 17th) and account is at least 3 years old."
You can see that you'll meet that criteria on your anniversary date, as long as it occurs prior to December 17. If you don't receive your HC title that day, then commence ticket launch!
Check your actual iTunes account via desktop to get the date downloaded. Upon contacting support the 1st time, I was told I had to have started playing before the 17th, but they would not confirm the date I started playing.
Upon looking into iTunes, I confirmed I downloaded the game on the 13th of December 2014...meaning Kabam made a mistake and their data is off. I believe Kabam owes a lot more people this title, as defined by their email to me.
My first milestone appears to be Dec 13-14, 2014 (according to Game Center) and I got the Howling Commando title. I can’t vouch for certain that my download was before then.
If you already have the Seasoned Summoner then I think you’ll get it but if you don’t then already then you won’t get it(?). I do agree that Kabam’s statement of giving the title to ‘summoners who were with us at the beginning’ is a brief and quite vague statement as opposed to an actual date before or after.
I wish it was this way. I got the seasoned summoner title last year during the 2nd anniversary week, but did not get howling commando today. Not worried too much, but kinda a bummer imo just because it doesn’t make sense in regards to the title I got last year.
I think there are two courses of action available to us:
1) Sit and wait and see if somebody from Kabam comments on this and gives us the exact criteria of what will earn the Howling Commando title this year, or
2) Submit a ticket and send them the information on when you started (screen shotting your 2* champ cheeve is probably the easiest way to prove it that I have seen) and have them respond to you. If all of us true early adopters do this, I think we stand a pretty good chance of getting favorable results. I think it'd be safe to say that anybody who had played on or before January 9, 2015 should be considered, but definitely those of us that were within the first week, if not the entirety of December 2014.
"Logged in during Anniversary Week (December 10th to 17th) and account is at least 3 years old."
You can see that you'll meet that criteria on your anniversary date, as long as it occurs prior to December 17. If you don't receive your HC title that day, then commence ticket launch!
Javier-Antonyo in game name
Maybe you’ll get it between those dates mentioned if you downloaded the game around those times
Check your actual iTunes account via desktop to get the date downloaded. Upon contacting support the 1st time, I was told I had to have started playing before the 17th, but they would not confirm the date I started playing.
Upon looking into iTunes, I confirmed I downloaded the game on the 13th of December 2014...meaning Kabam made a mistake and their data is off. I believe Kabam owes a lot more people this title, as defined by their email to me.
Hoping for the title...
I was wrong, looked it up and started Dec 11th 2014
Dr. Zola