Thoughts on the new Solo/Alliance Events tab redesign.

I don’t like it personally. Way too much going on visually. Confusing.

Thoughts on the new Solo/Alliance Events tab redesign. 12 votes

It’s good
MorningstarIsBaeSuper_Cretu90ZRJ007 3 votes
Its god awful, ugly, and confusing.
PrasadSolvseusFordx4broncAdri5846willrun4adonutDarthMysticArtemis108ManbatnShahbaz 9 votes


  • Ruger67Ruger67 Member Posts: 8
    Do not like, I have seizures and there is too much info on the screen giving me migraines, I like the game but Kabam should have left it alone and concentrated on the screwed rewards to rank up fighters
  • Fordx4broncFordx4bronc Member Posts: 99
    Its god awful, ugly, and confusing.
    I'm personally not a fan. With so many new events it is difficult for me to quickly find what I am looking for. I have found myself not even trying to do the events because I don't want to deal with the new event screen.
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