22.8k prestige, 3.4 mil rated looking for new alliance before season starts

TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
Long term player, UK based, 18+, Line available (same as in game/forum name). Looking for a new alliance, AQ minimum 4k glory a week, preferably running raids. AW either a chill no stress ally or a low Plat (fed up of spending resources just to land in gold).

Feel free to add on line, in game, or message here. Been playing for a long time so I know my way around the game, happy to either advise newer players or join an experienced ally, as long as the stress level matches the rewards.


  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 407
    We're a relaxed and supportive alliance running AQ maps 665x4 (2 BG raids) - glory rewards 5000+ per week.

    AW is G6 optional, no-stress/no-items, but we're committed to 100% on-season maps. It'd be great if you can join us. The loyalty pays for the raids. 😄

    Battlegrounds is optional, but we're usually averaging over 150k, which is quite easy. We're top 1-10% or 11-20%, without keeping any minimum.

    We need team-players. Line app required.

    Alliance name: District 10 (Tag: DTEN)
    Contact in-game: Avenger A-1
    Line ID: avenger-a-1
  • Lobo0wensLobo0wens Member Posts: 11
    Looking 4 ACTIVE players Map 6, Raids, G4 Alliance recruiting, must have Line. Add Law_Ee
  • Frenzy45Frenzy45 Member Posts: 106
    Looking for 1 active player. We run 3 BGs map 6 and Raids. Finished AW Plat 4. No stress/laid back ally. All we ask from everyone is they complete paths in AQ and AW. All we ask is Message me in LINE at frenzy45 if interested.
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