22.8k prestige, 3.4 mil rated looking for new alliance before season starts

Long term player, UK based, 18+, Line available (same as in game/forum name). Looking for a new alliance, AQ minimum 4k glory a week, preferably running raids. AW either a chill no stress ally or a low Plat (fed up of spending resources just to land in gold).

Feel free to add on line, in game, or message here. Been playing for a long time so I know my way around the game, happy to either advise newer players or join an experienced ally, as long as the stress level matches the rewards.

Feel free to add on line, in game, or message here. Been playing for a long time so I know my way around the game, happy to either advise newer players or join an experienced ally, as long as the stress level matches the rewards.
AW is G6 optional, no-stress/no-items, but we're committed to 100% on-season maps. It'd be great if you can join us. The loyalty pays for the raids. 😄
Battlegrounds is optional, but we're usually averaging over 150k, which is quite easy. We're top 1-10% or 11-20%, without keeping any minimum.
We need team-players. Line app required.
Alliance name: District 10 (Tag: DTEN)
Contact in-game: Avenger A-1
Line ID: avenger-a-1