Arena help request all option

I see this issue has been addressed by at least one other summoner in the past, as per the norm, Kabam chose not to do anything.. 😒 but, that doesn’t mean that it can not be done.

Having a “request help for all” button in arenas would be ideal. If I am grinding on arena, and having to tap each champion, every single time I start a new fight, it get’s monotonous very quickly. @Kabam Miike or someone else that has access to the programing team, could you please pass this along as a request for the next update. If we could get this done, it would be one less thing we had to do in the game and would help the game be more playable.
Assuming this doesn’t sit here unanswered for 3 years like the last request for this same option did…
Thanks Kabam…. 👍


  • AzureAzure Member Posts: 144
    They did create a help all button. But, it was a disaster. Im sure they haven't forgotten that mess. So, you might have to wait for couple of more years in order to have something like that, works for a week, then causes more bugs and lags, and taken out immediately. Just like before. Plus, mike left kabam. So it's no use to tag him.
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