Deathless Chase purchases

I’ve rapidly advanced my account since January. I wasn’t able to get some of the time-locked pieces for DG and DKG but got DV and feel good about getting DSH. So the question is: how valuable Deathless Thanos will be? At the expense of spending on Banquet, how many pieces does it make sense to buy?
Poll question: what’s the most deathless pieces that will be worthwhile to buy so you can get Deathless Thanos?
Poll question: what’s the most deathless pieces that will be worthwhile to buy so you can get Deathless Thanos?
Deathless Chase purchases 15 votes
I mean is there any champ in the game right now worth 10k+ units based solely on abilities and value?
I am 2 pieces short on DKG. Every time I think about the unit spend in terms of value, I just can’t get there. And since deathless champs are anything but OP, you really are just using all those units for 1 champ.
1) we don't know how good Deathless Thanos will be. If you have the answer to that question, you can weigh that against spending similar amount on Banquet crystals. Ultimately it boils down to what you value more, one champ vs banquet rewards (we don't know the odds for those either)
2) we don't know if you need all Deathless champs as 7*s in order to obtain 7* Deathless Thanos, if you only need the deathless champs, you can always go for the 6*s by buying pieces for other items like BG tokens.
3) what if getting Deathless Thanos is not reliant on having all other deathless champs but you'll need everyone for a even more powerful synergy. (This might be wrong coz I vaguely remember them mentioning you'll need all champs to get Thanos)
4) we know we can get the pieces from objectives and other temporary methods and also buy paying per piece. We don't yet know if they'll open more ways to get these pieces. What if they add this part of the Banquet.
Considering there are more possibilities than the ones listed above. I think best thing to do would be to save/buy units and decide when we get more information on the pieces and Deathless Thanos upon release.