BALANCE UPDATE: The Serpent and The Destroyer

Hey all,
Balance Team here again with an update on the latest round of Champions up for review: The Serpent and The Destroyer!

The Serpent

The Serpent, true to his title as the God of Fear, was designed to be a punishing defender requiring both skilled gameplay and the right combination of RPG abilities to counter his wide range of threats. Many of The Serpent’s threats translate well as an Attacker, such as his easy access to True Focus and the powerful Death Immunity buff in his Signature ability. As a Ramp Up Champion with favorable matchups against a handful of potent Tech Defenders, we’re happy with how The Serpent has landed as an attacker.

With his aggressive defensive target, we were expecting The Serpent to make an immediate impact in both of our PvP metas (Battlegrounds and Alliance War) by injecting decks and defenses with a combo of Cosmic Class threats: Power Gain, Death Immunity, and Pierce. Over time, as players identify new counters and strategies to fight The Serpent, we’re seeing his performance as a Defender stabilize at a strong but healthy level. Specifically, we were happy to see that Symbiote Supreme and Wiccan saw increased usage over time to combat The Serpent and his unique combo of threats and damage mitigation. Players comfortable using America Chavez and Kushala also continue to thrive in this matchup. While we expect The Serpent to remain a high-performing defender, we’re happy with how his performance as a defender has played out so far and won’t be making any changes.

The Destroyer

The Destroyer joined the Contest aiming to be a formidable Attacker and Defender, featuring Mystic’s newest ability to fight Buffs… DESTROY. As an attacker, The Destroyer has found success against opponents who rely on Buffs for their Defensive threat, as shown by his high attacking performance vs potent Cosmic Defenders such as Hulkling. Defensively, he has become a mainstay on Alliance War Defense with threatening synergies on multiple different spots of the map, but with an established pool of effective counters. The Destroyer is also performing in line with his Defensive target in Battlegrounds as his performance ebbs and flows from season to season across different metas. Overall, we are happy with where The Destroyer has landed and will not be making any changes!

What’s Next

Expect Spider-Punk and Prowler’s review to land in the back half of September!
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