On enchantress, MCOCs most controversial champion release since Gladiator?

TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
Enchantress is getting a lot of attention as this months champion and rightly so. She brings a completely unique playstyle with her swiping for spells but also has a lot of strings attached.

Firstly as a defender she’s absolutely a threat. The damage reflection is incredibly potent and unless you (as DLL puts it) “play her game” you are going to die. Now I don’t mind that statement in concept, if there was one central threat or condition that if neutralised would shut her down then she would be a fair fight. But instead she has multiple defensive attributes that a player must clear just to avoid the damage reflection.

Now so far we haven’t seen her on many different nodes or in content (aside from event and side quests) but I can already image nodes where she will really suck. Anything making her unblockable, you won’t get any heavy punishes and that unstoppable on dash in will become super problematic, anything granting her additional power will be borderline unfair, anything preventing the application of debuffs, anything to grant her stun immunity, will all turn her from a tough but manageable defender to a borderline unfair and insurmountable challenge. I can’t wait 😘😘.

I think defensively she should be changed so that the spells she can activate are much more limited, and you shouldn’t be able to miss whilst punishing a heavy. She wouldn’t be so bad if she activated all 3 of one type of spell on any given special attack, therefore you only have to complete one action to neutralise her as opposed to 3, saving both time, health, and risk. It would also make putting her on nodes such as mighty charge or spite wouldn’t turn her into a ridiculous powerhouse.

Saying all of this given what kascam have done with serpent she won’t get a nerf later on so for the time being she’s just going to become an instant ban champion and the war boss for the next season (thank god I’ve given up on war for now)

Offensively i think summoners are vastly overstating her complexity and difficulty. She has so much utility and control over fights, just because she doesn’t ramp up immediately doesn’t mean she’s useless, and she’s gonna feature on everyone battlegrounds deck as a defender anyways so this argument that “oh well she’s no good for BGs” is just wrong. I can see her being a go to champion for so much content and so many bosses. I mean shes probably great for this SOS Mole Man who im dreading having to take down. I also think that once you learn her basics and what her spells do she isn’t that hard, I mean it’s nowhere near as complex as even the most basic characters in Mortal Kombat, Street fighter or god forbid Tekken. 3 inputs which follow basic patterns per spell group, and realistically you start to get into a loop with her it becomes muscle memory (a bit like the whole perfect release thing on Kate bishop)

Would I like to see kabam using this whole tapping/swiping on the screen during specials mechanic which was first pioneered by our glorious king Howard the Duck? Yes. Do I think enchantress should be the limit of this mechanic? Also yes. Once you start asking summoners to utilise more than 3 inputs and memorise more than 9 base spells, 1 extra with the sig ability and then 4 more from synergies it gets ridiculous. Also then the memory thing could become a real issue, if every champion has different swipe patterns for different abilities it’s gonna get confusing quick. But I don’t think it’s a problem that enchantress has really pushed this mechanic to its limit. Just how Zemo pushed the idea of Root, Photon the idea of dex failure, Sasquatch the idea of tankiness, Negasonic the idea of debuff unreliance. Every mechanic or aspect of this game evolves over time with counters, immunities and those champions which push the boundaries.

Overall I don’t think enchantress represents something that’s unhealthy for the game. Do I think her defensive prowess is a bit tone deaf? Sure. Do I think kabam should be instead focusing on creating engaging and unique node combinations in order to challenge us rather than simply “we make defender hard to kill good luck”? Yes. And do I hope enchantress is just busted OP on defense borderline unkillable for most players and really sparks kabam to take a look at what they’re doing on release of new champions? Absolutely. But do I think enchantress is the problem not at all


  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    In select nodes she’s hard, but in general situations I’d say she’s the most balanced defender in ages. Guarantee that once people get used to her spells she’ll barely be a threat. Also you can just stun lock her and her health pool isn’t that big. I quite like her design, but I also get that the AI has been trashy lately which is a valid complaint.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,654 ★★★★★
    She's balanced, unlike Serpent
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