Reworking The Losers: Elektra

FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
Class: Skill

Signature Ability:
If the opponent is immune to Bleed, replace all Bleed effects with Ruptures
Critical hits performed while the opponent is suffering from Physical Vulnerability refreshes all buffs on Elektra
Vicious buffs are paused during Special Attacks, and gain +1 second duration for every buff Elektra gains
Precisions gained while the Fighting Styles are on cooldown are stored, and are reactivated when charging up a Heavy Attack
If the Assassin Mastery is active, all debuffs gain +20% duration, all buffs gain +20% efficacy, and each Okinawan Sai Strike grants Elektra a True Strike buff she gains 5 Precison from Assassin's Precision
For every buff gained while the opponent is Stunned, and for every debuff the opponent had during that time, inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff reducing Physical Resistance by 3% per buff/debuff for 6 seconds

Elektra’s grueling training grants her the ability to decrease the effectiveness of Disorient effects by 50%, and Weakness effects have 20% less efficacy
For every Bleed debuff on the opponent, increase Critical Hit chance by 8%
Critical rating is increased by 9% while the opponent is Stunned
Fighting Style-Ninjutsu: The default Fighting Style to start with
Fighting Style-Aikido: Activating this Pre-Fight allows you to start the fight with Aikido
1. Assassin’s Precision: Gain 1 for every successful Critical Hit or Bleed Debuff. Each time an Assassin's Precision is gained, it grants Elektra 1 Precision, increasing Critical Hit chance by 2%. Evades prevented by Elektra also activates Assassin’s Precision.
2. Fighting Style-Ninjutsu: All Precision and Fury buffs are converted into Cruelties, increasing Critical Damage Rating by 5% per Cruelty. Cruelties last 5 seconds each, with all Cruelties refreshing and gaining 0.5 seconds of additional duration every time a new Cruelty buff is gained. Upon reaching 10 Cruelties, all Cruelties are removed, and Elektra activates her Okinawan Sai Strike ability
3. Fighting Style-Aikido: Activated through a Pre-Fight, by using a different combo-ender compared to the last combo used, or by activating a Special Attack 2. Upon activation, all debuffs on Elektra are Purified, and for every Precision gained through Assassin’s Precision, gain a Fury buff as well, increasing attack rating by 3%. After reaching 10 Furies, all Furies are removed and Elektra activates her Okinawan Sai Strike ability
4. Okinawan Sai Strike: Upon activation, remove all Furies and Cruelties on Elektra, she pulls out an Okinawan Sai (the three-pronged blades Elektra uses) and becomes unhittable until the Strike is performed (similar to Morbius’s Psionic Glide). After activating the Sai Strike, all removed buffs are converted into Bleeds dealing 3.5% of Elektra’s total health each over the course of 5 seconds, and the opponent gains a Physical Vulnerability debuff, reducing Physical Resistance by 9% for 9 seconds. If the opponent is immune to bleed, replace the Bleeds with Rupture debuffs dealing 2% of Elektra’s total health. Fighting styles cannot be activated for 5 seconds, and all the Precisions gained during this cooldown period will be converted into a Vicious buff lasting 4 seconds for every Precision gained and granting debuffs +8% potency

Medium Attacks: Has a 10% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 7% of Elektra’s attack rating for every Cruelty or Fury on Elektra
Light Attacks: Only deal damage, no special abilities
Heavy Attacks: If Fighting Style-Aikido is active, remove all Precision buffs on Elektra, replacing them with Bleed debuffs on the opponent dealing 3% of Elektra’s attack rating over the course of 2 seconds. If Fighting Style-Ninjutsu is active, increase Elektra's Critical Rating by 20% for the duration of the attack, and inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff reducing Physical Resistance by 7% for 7 seconds

Special Attacks:
Sp1: Elektra unleashes a flurry of 4 shurikens on the opponent, before finishing them off with a dagger to the chest. Each shuriken has a 25% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 15% of Elektra's attack rating over the course of 15 seconds. If one or more Bleeds trigger, inflict a Stun debuff on the opponent, lasting an additional 0.75 seconds for every successful Bleed debuff.
Sp2: Elektra unleashes a series of deadly blows and a mid-air double kick, before stabbing the opponent with her Sai. All the blows (there are four of them) have a 10% chance to grant Elektra a Vicious buff lasting until a Special Attack is performed, while the kicks each have a 50% chance to inflict the opponent with a Physical Vulnerability debuff, decreasing Physical Resistance by 10% for 10 seconds
Sp3: Elektra throws down a smoke bomb and disappears into the shadows, as she runs and slashes at the opponent with her Sai before ducking back into the shadows. The opponent desperately swipes into the mist, allowing Elektra to sneak up from behind and stab her twin Sais into their back. The opponent has a 100% chance to be inflicted with a Stun debuff lasting 3 seconds, and Elektra gains 5 Cruelties and 5 Furies for the duration of the Stun. After the Stun has expired, she gains her Okinawan Sai Strike ability, and all Cruelties and Furies are removed, due to her ability.

1. Toxic Relationship
Elektra: Stun debuffs have a 30% chance to grant her a Vicious buff granting +7% debuff damage for 5 seconds
Daredevil (Classic): Stun debuffs inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff on the opponent, decreasing Physical Resistance by 10% for 5 seconds
2. Master Assassins
Bullseye: Cruelties gained due to Bullseye's immunity to Precision and Fatigue have +30% potency
3. You're Hired
Kingppin: When Kingpin is Unstoppable, the Combat Power Rate increase from his Rage is increased from 5% to 10%
4. Rivals
Psylocke: Bonus critical rating gained when the opponent has no power is increased by 30%

That's 2 champions down, with 6 more reworks to go! As always, any feedback on this rework concept is appreciated!


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