7 star Jubilee

Well I think is time to start something here, with all the new 7* version being a breath of fresh air for some characters (América Chavez, Venom, Hulk, Shuri, etc...) and the mutant class being the most irrelevant class with like way less OP characters for attacking purpose we just got a few as: Sunspot, Arcangel (RNG Dependent), Onslaught and ¿Magneto?.

I say that is time to release a 7* version of Jubilee for various reasons like her with the crit % stat would so good.

More. For her best potential against Opponents who purify she need the dupe and high sig and that's not easy to get in a new Titan Crystal, she might be not that strong as the top attackers of this game but she might get some relief after years (She was release in 2021) of being just a mid champ overwhelmingly overshadowed by Sunspot, this guy got a 7* versión btw.

And in terms of defense she's not even close to be a defender she's just designe for attack.

And after the X-Men 97' animated serie and showing all her personality and feats as doing some serious damage to Bastion with her plasma blast, yeah her damage is PLASMA not FIREWORKS 🎆.

Damn an her relationship with Roberto Da Costa (SUNSPOT) the same champs that opaque her in the battle of champs.

And another father like relationship she have is with WOLVERINE yes the same wolverine we just got a very successful Movie making the morbid numbers of 1.2b dollars (

There is many proof that can support the release of a 7* version of Jubilee.
So please I hope someone from Kabam would read this and give this idea for the team.

Thanks for reading 🎆🎇


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