Who are some champs that you think would be more/less appreciated by the community if not for BGs?

If BGs was never a thing and not in the consideration, which champions do you think would be viewed much differently? We saw some champs like Domino go from irrelevant to meta because of battlegrounds.
I think NTW (and other champs who have a lot of utility but not a lot of quick burst) would be viewed much more favorably if BGs wasn’t in consideration. The fact that she can counter all the skill defenders’ abilities is very useful but because she doesn’t deal with them that quickly, people are down on her.
Serpent on the other hand I feel like wouldn’t be feared as much if taking him down as fast as possible wasn’t an issue. A lot of mystic champs can take him, just not fast enough for a BG win.
Who else can you think of?
I think NTW (and other champs who have a lot of utility but not a lot of quick burst) would be viewed much more favorably if BGs wasn’t in consideration. The fact that she can counter all the skill defenders’ abilities is very useful but because she doesn’t deal with them that quickly, people are down on her.
Serpent on the other hand I feel like wouldn’t be feared as much if taking him down as fast as possible wasn’t an issue. A lot of mystic champs can take him, just not fast enough for a BG win.
Who else can you think of?