
Is it a coincidence that serpents immortality is 125% and 2 of kingpins degens are -130% ab..? In the same week kabam announce (against nearly the entire customer bases wishes) serpent is balanced, kingpin gets this treatment..?
And galan still can't incinerate correctly.... C'Mon kabam, we aren't the idiots you think we are
And galan still can't incinerate correctly.... C'Mon kabam, we aren't the idiots you think we are
And finally now they made defender with immortality which also gives regens and stupid high power gain, whole community cried for balancing but Kabam somehow decided not to.
Double standards
I have a better one, Serpent wasn't rebalanced because miike and jax left. They are the only guys in kabam who actually cared about us. Since they left, there's no one in kabam office ot bargain for the playerbase.