Ranking up Champs Deathless Thanos style ?

SooperSouljerSooperSouljer Member Posts: 10
edited September 2024 in General Discussion
I’ve been thinking of this idea for Kabam to keep people interested in the main content, and the chase content including arenas and whatnot..

So what if you had all versions of a champ.. 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 ALL maxed out..Or maybe not maxed all the way, but awakened and ranked up? And then they add a way to convert them into a 7* champ via Deathless Thanos style. Or even if you had the 5 lower versions, turn those into a 6* etc.. It would make lower tier players feel more like they can catch up to the mid tier players. It would incentivize mid tier players to chase to catch up to top tier players. And it would add a new mechanic to the game to get use out of the bad arenas and low class champs that nobody uses.

W or L idea ? All opinions welcome.

Sorry i posted this twice i can’t figure out how to delete the other one 🤦🏾‍♂️

Ranking up Champs Deathless Thanos style ? 40 votes

That’s a cool idea
Talha305RajaChrisRM93 2 votes
L idea, Hard pass
BendyMagicBentonMaat19857abo2aRagnarok13GarloCupidxakareeeanggafkRockyshockyPikoluMother_Flerkencaptain_rogersSquidopusahmynutsShamir51BlackTuranElwindThokk150Sceptilemaniac2 34 votes
Depends on how it’s integrated
Repto23ThePredator1001UltragamerBabyGroot 4 votes


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,897 ★★★★★
    edited September 2024
    L idea, Hard pass

    It would make lower tier players feel more like they can catch up to the mid tier players. It would incentivize mid tier players to chase to catch up to top tier players.

    I'm pretty sure that it would do the opposite where top tier players would increase the gap even more, and mid tier players would leave the low tier players more behind.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,367 ★★★★
    L idea, Hard pass
    It's simply not in line with the way the game is supposed to work for the same reason that rank down tickets aren't
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,235 ★★★★★
    L idea, Hard pass
    The poll option really says it all
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,870 ★★★★★
    L idea, Hard pass
    They wont ever do this type of stuff only if they do other exclusive versions like deathless so say the corrupted versions or the modok mash ups but for regular champs its terrible idea
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    L idea, Hard pass
    yeah no.
    there needs to be cool stuff that is a reward for doing stuff.
    if you allow anyone to get deathless champs just by existing then what is the point of pushing and challenging yourself to get one?
    they are a rare exclusive chase champion....
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,074 ★★★★★
    edited September 2024
    I'd actually be more interested in some kind of game in order to unlock cool and rare 2* champions. That wouldn't hurt anyone, balance-wise, and would just be a cool way to collect champions for those who want them. I don't necessarily think "Rank up all your versions of The Serpent and get a 2* version" is the best solution for this, but I wouldn't be opposed to be able to collect rare 2*s in more ways than, like, once every year or so.

    But as for lower-tier players catching up to mid-tier players, you do that by playing the game. The earlier you are, the more content there is. The further along you get, the less content you have. The more you play, the lesser the gap becomes between you and those ahead, because those people start getting less and less content with less and less rewards to boost them forward.

    For example, when I first started the game, I was looking up to all of these gigantic youtubers in the top-tier alliances with all of the newest champions etc. I felt like I was very far behind. Now, years later, I'm still behind but I'm not nearly as far behind as I was. With the exception of some types of content (I leave high-tier AW to those that enjoy it), I'm doing the same stuff they are doing. Just - typically - with more revives. There is still a gap between us both in terms of roster but also (let's admit it) in terms of skill. However, since I have hit the same point they've hit, where there isn't anything in the game for us with the exception of what Kabam releases next,* we're sort of on the same playing field regardless.

    Just by playing the game enough, you'll get there too.

    * I'm perfectly happy with this state. I think Kabam releases new content regularly enough to keep me going. But still - I don't have any Story left to explore, or Variants, or Necropolis or the Crucible, and I've done all of the Carina's Challenges that I care to do.
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