Point farming in bgs!!

So almost a year ago Kabam made a statement that intentionally losing in VT with energy to farm points against easier opponents would be a punishable offense (as it should be).
Recently found out how big and widespread this issue still is. This is something that affects every single player in the game. The scores keep increasing and lower tier players take a beating. There seems to be a consensus among people who keeps on exploiting this that Kabam in fact won't take action against it anymore!
Either something is or isn't cheating and i would really like kabam to clarify their stance on this and hopefully do more about it
Recently found out how big and widespread this issue still is. This is something that affects every single player in the game. The scores keep increasing and lower tier players take a beating. There seems to be a consensus among people who keeps on exploiting this that Kabam in fact won't take action against it anymore!
Either something is or isn't cheating and i would really like kabam to clarify their stance on this and hopefully do more about it
Small accounts are gonna get a beating anyway.
I am not justifying or in favor of this conduct, just don't think it can be punished as well as they claim.
Im simply bringing up an issue i have and how they go about it is up to them. But i would absolutely like clarification
Having said that, our position hasn't changed. We have monitoring in place and the most egregious abusers are often punished. We intend to be stricter in our enforcement next season, when the Global Event will make farming more tempting.
I don't know, i thought farming was cheap, then you see solo scores in the millions and you just realize that with farming or not, those scores are ridiculous and just move on.
The difficulty in victory track and gladiator circuit is day and night difference right?
Then WHY winning in gladiator circuit give same solo milestone points as victory track?
Why will avg player want to farm and waste elder marks when he can farm in lower ranks?
Gladiator circut needs to give more points per win to encourage big accounts to move up asap,
But no 😃 same points just harder fights.
Oh well, players will ALWAYS get those SAME POINTS in easier fights.
It just sends a message that this is okay. And its shelling just in bgs so why not continue that in aw aswell.
Just to clarify im against all forms of cheating as again its cost the entire playerbase things for years and that obviously sucks
Let's be real, the solo milestones and ranked rewards for the solo event aren't much for a high tiered player, so I never really understood why people would want to camp in VT to begin with. Most stop using Elder marks after reaching 300k anyway.