The event logins are korg/colossus/thing selector after 29 days. The same login event gives tokens inside crystals to exchange for a Chee’ilth at the end. These crystals also give a small chance to pull Titania.
in the live stream did they said a khusala, crash said that it was the most efective mystic at the moemnet blah blah and she would drop in the event calander - there would be 2 free 7 starts he said
in the live stream did they not say a khusala, crash said that it was the most efective mystic at the moemnet blah blah and she would drop in the event calander - there would be 2 free 7 starts he said
It’s Kindred for the daily login.
The event logins are korg/colossus/thing selector after 29 days. The same login event gives tokens inside crystals to exchange for a Chee’ilth at the end. These crystals also give a small chance to pull Titania.