Rank 5 help

Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 410 ★★
Use of 6* Saga 4-> 5 gem.

Rank 5 help 17 votes

Mr Fantastic sig40
SagaChampionArchit_1812 2 votes
CGR sig 60 asc
Ragnarok13Stantonacaptain_rogersBuggyDClownOakenshieldLordViromBabyGrootAwesomep12Darthbane3141 9 votes
Angela sig 80
007Bishop 1 vote
Adam Warlock sig 40
Scorpion r3 to r5
RaganatorFloorKillerThePredator1001HuskerCoolHonorable_BluJay 5 votes
Fantman sig 80


  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 410 ★★
    edited September 5
    Mr Fantastic sig40
    Could ya'll also write the order of rankups if you were me? Thank you kindly.

    @EdisonLaw, @WednesdayLength, @Magrailothos, @BringPopcorn, can ya'll help?
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 410 ★★
    Mr Fantastic sig40
    Only 4 votes? Guys, do help here.
  • BabyGrootBabyGroot Member Posts: 143 ★★
    CGR sig 60 asc
    I'd go cgr then scorpion. Then maybe fantman or angela. It depends on what classes you have ranked up already. If you have a class lacking then it might impact the decision. But all in all it'd most likely be cgr or scorpion
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