Ghost DMG Bugged?

DevilAKDevilAK Member Posts: 6
I just took my 6* Ghost to Rank 4. With my current mastery setup she has over 4000 dmg. Her critical damage rating is also over 1500 which is like 270%.

Now here is the kicker. Against ROL winter soldier, Her critical mediums hits for only 5K dmg.

How does this maths makes any sense? Isn’t she suppose to hit harder? I was so excited to take her up from rank 1 to 4 straight. Feeling underwhelmed.


  • Son_of_Rage1Son_of_Rage1 Member Posts: 51
    edited September 5
    Charge your heavy to build her fury and cruelty. Once you have 1-2 fury's, she'll be hitting like a truck.
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