How high does Kushala’s sig need to be before it makes more sense to use the 7*?

So I finally duped my 7* Kushala today. She is definitely one of my favorite Mystic champs, but up until now I’ve been using my 6* R5 Ascended max sig version. Now that I have her duped, I’m trying to figure out if I should rank the 7* or wait till her sig is a bit higher.
How high does Kushala’s sig need to be before it makes more sense to use the 7*? 76 votes
I do think the higher sig matters which is a key reason I haven’t done it, but I’ll admit I haven’t done extensive testing either. I do have the mats to potentially take her up now post Cyber week, but I’m holding to see if I pull Spiral when the Titan pool resets. I may prioritize Spiral and Isophyne over Kushala since I still have the R5A max sig 6*. It will depend on how much I like Iso and Spiral.
Plus I’ve also found that there’s still enough time unduped to keep the spells you need active when it matters
Edit: it could still handy for when you need her utility of the AI manipulation, blocking unblockable, or power control. But for the purpose of short fights like in BGs where you just mainly want her damage, its probably not as crucial.
@Oakenshield you can also use the glorious games sigs on her since the pool for that doesnt have much contenders besides domino. assuming you wouldn’t hoard them until Mr Sinister is awakened (2nd best champ to sig after Domino imo)