It should be Blade, Dust, Ironheart, Serpent, Destroyer, Luke Cage, Silver Sable, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Prowler, Nova, Sym Supreme, and Spider Punk.
It should be Blade, Dust, Ironheart, Serpent, Destroyer, Luke Cage, Silver Sable, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Prowler, Nova, Sym Supreme, and Spider Punk.
Should be the top row. And coming in will be beta ray bill, enchantress, shathra and count neferia + two other champs. Because there are two mystics it means one of the classes will be left out this time so the incoming champs will be two out of the three classes: tech, mutant and skill
Should be the top row. And coming in will be beta ray bill, enchantress, shathra and count neferia + two other champs. Because there are two mystics it means one of the classes will be left out this time so the incoming champs will be two out of the three classes: tech, mutant and skill
I was trying to hold Titans till December Banquet Titan reset But oof, if BRB, enche, shathra and count are coming it'll be hard to hold.
Rest are staying
Blade, Luke cage, dust, iron heart, serpent and destroyer
Should be the top row. And coming in will be beta ray bill, enchantress, shathra and count neferia + two other champs. Because there are two mystics it means one of the classes will be left out this time so the incoming champs will be two out of the three classes: tech, mutant and skill
But oof, if BRB, enche, shathra and count are coming it'll be hard to hold.