The Units

You have to admit that the absolutely crazy free unit generosity from Kabaam has been amazing lately.
All I can say is, thank you very much Kabaam.
Will try to use them wisely.
All I can say is, thank you very much Kabaam.
Will try to use them wisely.
But going from about 3500 units to over 10k for barely doing anything over the last few months deserves a gosh darned thank you.
Am I the only one?
but the problem is inflation...
just as in real life when income goes up things cost more...
just imagine the cost of cyber deals and requirement for good rank in banquet......
I can’t see the regular stuff like energy refills going up.
That’s where I spent most of my units as a sporadic player.
It has actually been exact opposite though.
What has gone up in price?
It always comes down unless it’s something new.
If you want the latest and greatest, be prepared to pay.
If not. Just wait a bit.
years ago cyber weekend deals maxed at like 21k units.
last year i think they maxed at like 36k units.
The anticipation is killing me.
How many free units between those years?
So will unit giveaways outpace the cost of deals, kabam?
we all get caught up in wanting more; we all want to play the game, we want more in game stuff. that’s credit to Kabam, we like their game.
they gotta make money. and some of their marketing can be grabby, sure.
but that fact that they actually have this much in game resources available is better than a majority of mobile games (hell, some console games).
end of the day, we should call them out when they’re not on the level, but a little credit to Kabam when they’re doing something right is only fair.
You folks are nuts if you think that isn’t amazing.