A.i. is still terrible

Parrynand I'm immediately parried, heavy hot and im immediately parried. You dex and you still get hit, and thats if it dashes back. Start a combo and it only hits enemies twice, or just drops combos. Enemies constantly partying you, and dexting like a madman, . Enemies holding specials constantly then your melted. This is in all modes of the game Still. Sometimes worse but always happens consistently. 10 years now and I'm sure Kabaam intends this terrible design. We have all been complaining but no real Update fixes.. What an absolute joke. Please fix input issues, A.i. nonsense, lag, game pausing(then your smacked) Parrying Sometimes works, bit usually just parried Back. Sorry Kabaam , but Your on purpose nonsense will never let me pat for units, revives, etc.. This game is more frustrating then enjoyable. 10 years im playing. It doesn't take this long to fix. You may have trolls on your side but for 95% of players,.we are all suffering