A.I. Re-parry issue

DioniusDionius Member Posts: 21
Kabam claimed to have fixed this issue like 2 months ago where defenders would re-parry attackers when hitting on block. This never got fixed and has been an ongoing issue for multiple months ultimately affecting multiple aspects of PvP gameplay.

I can’t use certain champs the way they were intended like Hulkling or Valk who rely on hitting on block because defenders who are holding block will get a parry off on me usually on the second blocked hit.

This mainly affects PvP modes like AW and battlegrounds and I don’t need to tell you how costly it is to get unexpectedly parried and countered. Losing any amount of health in BGs can cost you the round or match.
AW health pots are expensive as it is and I’m forced to constantly be healing or reviving when a 4-5 hit combo can easily KO the attacker in war. Avoidable deaths and health loss because Kabam won’t fix their game.

Please stop trying to force us to spend on your broken game.

If this was a bug that benefitted the players, this would have been fixed instantly. Since it helps Kabams bottom line ($) by getting some players to spend on units to buy heals, they have no incentive to fix it.
This B.S. has gone on long enough (almost a year). Get it together.


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