Few good players looking for a new P2 long-term home
We are a group of in-game friends, playing together for quite some time. Looking for a new alliance that reliably can score P2 and does not tolerate slackers.
We do T2 wars with 4-5 deaths on average as a group, complete raids in 48 hours, AQ M6. Valiants with solid rosters. Good scores in BGs for most of the players.
If interested or want to do some in-house cleaning in your alliance - drop your Line iD in the comment and I’ll get in touch with you.
Side note: We are not in a rush, prefer to find the right place in a longer time rather than any place in the right time.
We do T2 wars with 4-5 deaths on average as a group, complete raids in 48 hours, AQ M6. Valiants with solid rosters. Good scores in BGs for most of the players.
If interested or want to do some in-house cleaning in your alliance - drop your Line iD in the comment and I’ll get in touch with you.
Side note: We are not in a rush, prefer to find the right place in a longer time rather than any place in the right time.
We want to grow and commit to get rid of slackers. If interested message more on line at thecosmos9
Add me in game and we can get your line handle or search admiraltard. He’s the leader of the alliance and asked me to reach out. Always looking for solid folks. Currently in tier 2 wars.