How would you prioritise assignment of the Mr Sinister Relic?

The mutant class seems to have very specific placements of its relics, Gambit of the physicals, Storm on the elementals, and Wolverine on the healers, while Sinister goes on those who benefit from bleeds being on them.
Of particular note, the good champions to benefit from that are: Onslaught, Domino, Mr Sinister, Omega Red, Apocalypse, Sauron...anyone else?
How do you prioritise who the relic goes on? Who gets the higher rated ones? Does it matter if it's awakened or not?
Do you leave them in place or do you swap them around a lot?
Of particular note, the good champions to benefit from that are: Onslaught, Domino, Mr Sinister, Omega Red, Apocalypse, Sauron...anyone else?
How do you prioritise who the relic goes on? Who gets the higher rated ones? Does it matter if it's awakened or not?
Do you leave them in place or do you swap them around a lot?
Keep in mind that for Apoc, you may want a higher star rating variety so it charges faster and fires enough to trigger bleed immunity. Thats especially true if there are nodes that might apply more punishing bleeds.
For me I prioritize the champs I use the most to get the highest rarity relics. The importance of awakening varies quite a bit based on the relic. In some cases it can make a big difference (black panther and iron fist are just two examples). I generally leave them in place unless I’m using a champion I don’t normally use for content. For example, I swapped my 6* Mr Sinister off of Domino and placed it on Toad for the Moleman fight in SoS.
That’s not a sinister relic problem. That’s just how all relics are on OR and it should be fixed
If she's a 7*, and you're using Critical Stat Focus, during Lucky her Critical Rating is so high (around 1800) that it doesn't benefit from the Gambit relic, at all.
But if you get the Attack bonus to your SP2 from having bleed, the damage gets pretty nuts.