BG Defender did no damage in 119s

DarthTaulDarthTaul Member Posts: 17
Can anyone explain to me how this works? The other player didn't fight at all apparently, yet my defender (7* R1 awakened Terrax) took off zero health in 2 minutes of fighting? Happened all 3 rounds (actually in the second round my 6* R4 200 Galen did .4% damage).


  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,301 ★★★★★
    He paused
  • DarthTaulDarthTaul Member Posts: 17
    Seems like a pretty big loophole. They did that all 3 rounds and beat me because I actually took some damage. Guess I know how to win at Battlegrounds now...
  • DarthTaulDarthTaul Member Posts: 17
    If anyone from Kabam has their ears on, can you explain how this is fair and allowed? The match cost me Elder's Marks. I realize my job was to get at least 15,001 point but come on. And is there somewhere I can report the player in case this they make it a habit of playing like this?
  • DarthTaulDarthTaul Member Posts: 17
    Nevermind, found the form to report someone. Would like to hear back with official take on this before I do though... Is it cheating or exploiting a broken system?
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,301 ★★★★★
    I don't think he expected to win, more like completing a match for an objective
    Cheap or not, you failed to score more than 15k points...
  • DarthTaulDarthTaul Member Posts: 17
    I appreciate the response. Now that I know the cause I looked up "Battlegrounds pause" in the forums and found the whole discussion. And though Kabam doesn't think it "is a fair strategy" they have done nothing to change it over the years, so I guess this "strategy" is here to stay.
    As far as not getting 15K, I thought this was a bug, so silly me for actually fighting out the matches, not realizing there was a minimum value I had to achieve to ensure I wouldn't be defeated by someone not fighting at all. Can't think of any other games that award you points for NOT participating. If I had known I could have hit them once or twice then paused for 2 minutes too (sounds like a really exciting and fun game mode doesn't it?).
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,301 ★★★★★
    DarthTaul said:

    I appreciate the response. Now that I know the cause I looked up "Battlegrounds pause" in the forums and found the whole discussion. And though Kabam doesn't think it "is a fair strategy" they have done nothing to change it over the years, so I guess this "strategy" is here to stay.
    As far as not getting 15K, I thought this was a bug, so silly me for actually fighting out the matches, not realizing there was a minimum value I had to achieve to ensure I wouldn't be defeated by someone not fighting at all. Can't think of any other games that award you points for NOT participating. If I had known I could have hit them once or twice then paused for 2 minutes too (sounds like a really exciting and fun game mode doesn't it?).

    Which is WHY i told you that the other person DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO WIN or DIDN'T EXPECT THE WINS. For the same reason he could have hit the defender 3 or 4 times and would have won; but no he just queued to complete matches.
    I am not arguing its cheap or not; you mentioned the pause "strategy" is frowned upon. Kabam also addtess pausing and putting the phone down for objective completion and said it was understandable.
    The problem that you are having is that you lost and you are upset about it, specially when the other person didn't even try to win. His purpose was not beating you, you provided the lost.
  • DarthTaulDarthTaul Member Posts: 17
    edited September 11
    Actually losing one match is no big, I often hurry fights and get blown up. I see this as a learning experience. Now I know 15,001 pts is the minimum to guarantee a win. Also, I had no idea you could protect yourself from any damage for the duration of the match by pausing, and that this "play style" if not endorsed by Kabam is at least deemed acceptable by them (and based on the responses to most posts like this others in the community feel the same). All duly noted.
    For the record, where does Kabam say that setting down the phone during a PvP match to obtain objectives is understandable? Auto-fighting easy quest content for rewards is understandable. My beef is with the wasting of my precious playing time. BGs requires the most time commitment even when both players are active. Having a system where holding a random player hostage (for up to 6 minutes) & "not playing" still allows you to achieve goals seems like poor design (and disrespectful to the other player).
    If Kabam wants to reward not playing, then it would be way more considerate to install a forfeit button so players can start a match & bail but still meet their participation goal (& I save 6 minutes so I can do more matches).
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 4,100 ★★★★★
    DarthTaul said:

    Nevermind, found the form to report someone. Would like to hear back with official take on this before I do though... Is it cheating or exploiting a broken system?

    Please don't clog up the BG reporting system with this. It's not cheating, but is frowned upon. But really, you should be happy when someone does it. It's not hard, especially this meta, to score more than 15k.
  • JeancrbJeancrb Member Posts: 218 ★★
    I mean you can try this pause technique if you want but you gonna lose 95% of the time. I would be happy to face someone who is scoring only 15K points per fight lol.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,301 ★★★★★
    DarthTaul said:

    Actually losing one match is no big, I often hurry fights and get blown up. I see this as a learning experience. Now I know 15,001 pts is the minimum to guarantee a win. Also, I had no idea you could protect yourself from any damage for the duration of the match by pausing, and that this "play style" if not endorsed by Kabam is at least deemed acceptable by them (and based on the responses to most posts like this others in the community feel the same). All duly noted.
    For the record, where does Kabam say that setting down the phone during a PvP match to obtain objectives is understandable? Auto-fighting easy quest content for rewards is understandable. My beef is with the wasting of my precious playing time. BGs requires the most time commitment even when both players are active. Having a system where holding a random player hostage (for up to 6 minutes) & "not playing" still allows you to achieve goals seems like poor design (and disrespectful to the other player).
    If Kabam wants to reward not playing, then it would be way more considerate to install a forfeit button so players can start a match & bail but still meet their participation goal (& I save 6 minutes so I can do more matches).

    You lost 6 mins because you couldn't score more than 15k points in 2 rounds....
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