BG - counters for tough defenders

As the title says - i want to share experiences on good counters for some tough defenders out there, in general and additional for current metas.
I'll start with some experiences on my side, feel free to add your go-to counters
Domino: She is my highest PI champ atm R3 sig95; most of the time she gets banned, this one time i got to place her as a defender and Prowler absolutely destroyed her with full health and very quick, what other counters do you use for her
Zemo: i stopped placing him on defense when the opponent has hulkling or juggernaut, they kill Zemo very quick
Serpent: There is already a thread out there, my go to counter is Chavez, in VT meta i also used Torch sometimes with pre fight, but obviously you loose quite a bit of health
Korg: Just awakened mine and took to R2, who do you use against Korg?
Future Ant Man: He can be so annoying sometimes i ban him, but strong cosmics can handle him, like my R3 Gamora and R3 Venom, gotta be careful though, who do you use
Sand: I hate fighting her, still no really good counter on my deck, any suggestions. In GC meta she is even more powerful because incinerates to remove her sand debuffs barely do damage
Bullseye: With good RNG Archangel can work great, Sinister probably the best counter, also i saw some good Warlock takedowns
Onslaught: Other than Havok, who do you use?
Shuri: Angela works great, also Venom and Gamora
Photon: Mantis is good, but my R2 can't kill a R3 Photon with on SP2, maybe it's time to R3 her, also Gamora can be a good counter, Torch in general but not in the current GC meta
Attuma: He can really be a pain without a good counter, who do you use?
Enchantress: I still haven't learned how to fight her reliably, any tips?
As i said feel free to add to the discussion, have a good day!
I'll start with some experiences on my side, feel free to add your go-to counters
Domino: She is my highest PI champ atm R3 sig95; most of the time she gets banned, this one time i got to place her as a defender and Prowler absolutely destroyed her with full health and very quick, what other counters do you use for her
Zemo: i stopped placing him on defense when the opponent has hulkling or juggernaut, they kill Zemo very quick
Serpent: There is already a thread out there, my go to counter is Chavez, in VT meta i also used Torch sometimes with pre fight, but obviously you loose quite a bit of health
Korg: Just awakened mine and took to R2, who do you use against Korg?
Future Ant Man: He can be so annoying sometimes i ban him, but strong cosmics can handle him, like my R3 Gamora and R3 Venom, gotta be careful though, who do you use
Sand: I hate fighting her, still no really good counter on my deck, any suggestions. In GC meta she is even more powerful because incinerates to remove her sand debuffs barely do damage
Bullseye: With good RNG Archangel can work great, Sinister probably the best counter, also i saw some good Warlock takedowns
Onslaught: Other than Havok, who do you use?
Shuri: Angela works great, also Venom and Gamora
Photon: Mantis is good, but my R2 can't kill a R3 Photon with on SP2, maybe it's time to R3 her, also Gamora can be a good counter, Torch in general but not in the current GC meta
Attuma: He can really be a pain without a good counter, who do you use?
Enchantress: I still haven't learned how to fight her reliably, any tips?
As i said feel free to add to the discussion, have a good day!
Onslaught - Shocker and silk are great options. Shocker can kill him before he launches a special.
FAM - Another annoying defender. Hulkling is great, But I don't have him. I often use kate, Spam and chavez, Chavez is really good with reverting his armors. I sometimes use Maestro too he can put decent numbers. CGR is my go to counter though.
Dust is just annoying I'll just ban her most of tha times. She also causes lags in my device. Sunspot is my go to counter.
Photon - Another one I don't have, so insta ban for me. Black cat is my go to counter. Aslo silk works really well.
Bullseye - I often avoid him, But Now I ranked up storm for him, I also use cgr and Onslaught/Bishop sometimes.
Attuma - abs man and shuri nukes him.
Enchantress - Red guardian by far is the best. Complete her missons and rush to sp2.
btw Captain, how are you abyss runs going?
I ban bullseye, Serpant and fantman so that's problem mitigated. (fantman i do need some help on counters, nuking with Gamora or Venom won't work always, he can stun and do stuff and i don't know his mechanics, i just keep banning him).
In AW, i do use Dust and Sinister for Bullseye.
Photon i have been doing well since i learnt to knock her down before on 10+ charges just before a special.
Enchantress is also on my ban list, it will take me time to perfect this.
Maestro i use Chavez or Kushala.
Rest i don't have any issues with.
I really want BRB from titan he can easily nuke FAM and red skull.
Having good luck using kush against maestro
Didn't think to rank BRB for skull and fantman, might have to try that.
Using storm against bullseye is working well, started that last week. Just make sure to parry when he’s in killer instinct.
I find ironheart counters dust really well. I also use her for domino, onslaught and bishop, I think having her in a deck is good bang for your buck. 5 debuffs applied and you can safely parry onlslut. She can block mutant unblockables and no crit fail against domino. I removed guardian from my deck in favour of her.
Nick is still my biggest PitA in war, just takes that little bit longer but I don’t usually ban him and wish I did.
- Lady Death strike
I can't remember the last time I had problem with Zemo, unless he doesn't throw sp1 for 1 whole minute then corner me into 5 hit into sp2 into root.
I don't even look at enemy's deck before banning serpent.
For Korg it's Kitty, NegaSo and JuggNut.
Hate FutureAnt but Kate Angela works, his AI is probably one of the worst, when you hit his block and dash back, FutureAnt doesn't follow and instead use 2 light attacks on repeat, you know why? He's hard coded to do so, notice it when you fight him next time.
For dust, Kitty, Sunspot and Ironheart works
Bullseye, AA negaso cheese him but I love Kitty sp3 spam, literally let him hit her phase and sp3 spam.
For onslaught it's Titania, Jugg, Cap Marvel movie.
For shuri, anyone who can parry her but I love Ironheart here, she parries her and is very tanky to take sp2 on block.
Photon?? Ehh anyone works as long you can parry her last hit of sp1, favourite is Elsa tho, one sp2 and boom, Kingpin Zemo also cool.
Attuma? Kitty NegaSo, yup these 2 carry me a lot. Shuri also.
Enche? Insta ban, have no time to bother with her "do this, hehe now do this, lol now this." 🙄
Venom and Hulking should also deal with Peni Parker pretty well i suppose
Domino - Duped Howard
Korg - Juggs ( nuke!) Wiccan ( melts him easy) Havok , CGR ( pretty common option I guess)
Fam - Juggs ( nuke!) , Wiccan ( can go wrong sometimes)
Bullseye - CGR ( got couple of really fast nukes ) , Havok
Serpent - Mojo , CGR , Hulk ( Smash! eat sp3! Smash! end with around 50-70%health)
Also as mentioned above Ironheart is pretty good for a lot of fights
Zemo - Dani is an almost perfect counter
Attuma - Bishop , Storm or Shuri
Red Skull - Attuma (you thought he was just a defender?) and Shuri.
Bullseye - Prowler, Bishop