Using resources for 5 or 6 star?

This may be a dumb question, but hoping to get some feedback. I'm not sure if I should still be putting my resources into my 5 stars. My roster is by no means the greatest but I've got some decent 6 star champs and the same for my 5 stars. I've seen a some people say to save up and pretty much focus only on 6 stars, but ive also seen people talking about still putting resources into some 5 star champs. If it helps at all I recently hit cav finally and waiting to go after TB. Been back for a little over a month. I've got some 5 stars that are still helping along the way, just wasn't sure if it they would still be worth it once hitting TB and content afterwards.


  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    Depends on what 6 star you have. A top meta 6 star should always be rank up, but a dud 6 star that won't get any use is never worth it. I rather a 5 star rank 5 Nick, Hulkling, Herc, CGR over a 6 star Groot, Civil Warrior, Squirl Girl.
  • Campbell0131Campbell0131 Member Posts: 10
    Ayden first off thank you! I've been cautious about what 6 stars I've invested in. I've got some champs that are both 5 and 6, higher tier, but most 5s are already awoken. So going by the obvious, would you just recommend just ranking the high tier 6 stars and waiting for an AG or for a dupe pull? Just trying to make sure I'm making the best I can from my roster
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    If you already have ranked up the 5 stars that is needed in the game. I would definitley concentrate on 6 stars since they are better for the future of your account. Once you get TB you can get awaken gems pretty easily so I would wait.
  • Campbell0131Campbell0131 Member Posts: 10
    Awesome! Good to know I'll have a good chance to awaken later down the road! Many thanks again Ayden!
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    You're welcome. Good luck in getting TB. I would recommend wathing MCNOOB videos, he's great with how to fight each path and who is the best counters.
  • Campbell0131Campbell0131 Member Posts: 10
    I'll definitely check him out! I think I'm ok to start moving forward, but I need to learn my champs playstyle better. I plan on now ranking scorp, tigra, and shuri. Thankfully cgr is high rank. Just for another input out of bullseye, MrNegative, mantis, enchantress, torch, Cassie Lang and ghost which would you say could help the most?
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    I am not a fan of Mr Negative but if you can use him well he is good. Torch would be the easy answer. If you need a defender Bullseye and Enchantress would be the to rank up. If you know how to use Ghost properly you wouldn't be asking this question. If you want to invest in learning Ghost playstyle (worth it) I won't rank her up till you get comfortable using her.
  • Campbell0131Campbell0131 Member Posts: 10
    I would have no problem trying to learn her play style. That's what I've been doing with Tigra the last few days. I suck at BG so I pretty much stay away from it haha. But I think Ghost and Torch will be focused on then. Again Ayden many thanks again for all the help and info! It's definitely gonna help me get some progress in!
  • RoggamRoggam Member Posts: 177
    Definitely save your resources since r2 6*s have the stats of a r4 5* etc. however my 5* aegon got me thru 6.4 in 5 revives on my mini. Now most of us are this phase w/ 6-7*s.
  • Campbell0131Campbell0131 Member Posts: 10
    Thank you roggam! My 5 star doom and AA have made sections alot easier, so I fully understand. But I will definitely be focusing on my 6 stars
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