Is 6 star still worth to rank up to rank 4 or rank 5?

I'm a bit curious about this topic, I have a lot of good 6 stars but still didn't upgrade it yet, my current 7 star roster are not good enough since my luck didn't go well
Don't bother with 6* champs of 2024 at all other than Serpent Enche because they're just overtuned DEFENDERS meanwhile 2024 attackers are undertuned ATTACKERS 🙄
Even mf 6* onslaught dies in single sp3 cycle of Titania.
A 6*R5, especially if Ascended, can comfortably do any content in the game.
The only reason you'd be better off with a 7* version is in game modes where speed is of the essence: for now, that's Battlegrounds.
A good champion at 6*R5 will be both useable and useful for a long time to come.
Also, and this is important: with over 250 champions in the game (and rising) you may never acquire a given champion as a 7*.
My highest-rarity of America Chavez is still a 5*, despite me chasing her with every Nexus crystal ever.
If I got her as a 6*, she'd be R5 by the end of the day.
I have over a dozen R3-7 and a pretty strong 7 star roster, but I still rank and ascend 6 stars when needed
People may say: "Don't do it.. they are available as a 7..." But, do *you* have them as a 7? Lol
Just give a quick think to what your odds are of pulling them in the near future.. and decide if having a maxed 6 star version will help your account in the meantime while you wait (we have no idea if it's a week or a year until you pull them)
I just had a banter/discussion with a BG mate about ranking 6 stars for War Attack.. yes, I rank 6 stars if they will be valuable now for me lol.. especially in a team game mode like AW.. where people are relying on us to perform well *now* ... not in a month or year when we pull the 7 haha.. but, I'm not saying rank a character you don't like just for a Saga/Meta.. but sometimes a Saga/Meta directs you to play test a character you just hadn't given a chance yet.. and you'll actually decide you like them (for me it was Viv.. she's super fun to play now that I gave her a chance, for example)
Same applies for solo content.. can you make use of them now to advance your account?
And yeah, finally availability as a 7 and the value of sig ability comes into play - unavailable as a 7 and high benefit from s200 are often a no-brainer for me
That being said, there is a portion of the community who essentially are beyond 6 stars.. but these are the players with top rosters
I managed to get the most powerful and most coveted hero, so she went to 6* r5 with Max sig and ascended.
R5s takes a while.
I upgrade 3-5 R5 every month.