Join The Chorizo Kings - Active 5x5 Expert Alliance looking for 1

We are an active 7.6M international alliance looking for replacements. Ideal candidate will have Map 5 experience and can carry his/her own weight. We do AQ 5x5 Expert tier and AW at least twice a week. Participation in Completion, Item Use, and duels is mandatory, the rest are encouraged. Must be able to respect others and follow simple rules from officers. If you like to have fun, but grow as a player as well, TCK is the alliance for you!
-200k+ rating
-Map 5 experience in expert is required
-Line app required
-Donations; 100k Gold, 30k BC, 13k LC

Message me in Line App; Line ID- unseen.damage

*If you are inactive, please don't bother. You'll be replaced before rewards can be collected.*
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