Incursions Bug game crash

I have been thinking now to past times this has happened and it’s been a ongoing bug not only in this game mode but all around. This has to be in incursions alone the 20th time I’ve had this bug/ game issue and it is by far the worst when you are playing Hercules with all of the pre-fights on him. Now I’m left with once again rebuilding up my pre-fights or just restarting all together and it’s completely frustrating after being in zone 10+ to do this. Don’t tell me Kabam this isn’t intentional. I’ve only had this going in 90% before the fight has started using Hercules. Other game mode like BG’s is another frustration of mine with the game crashing. So what do you suggest?! Compensation or me just dealing with this **** issue. And to already answer you question you’d probably ask as you always do, yes my phone is not old at all and yes I do restart my game often enough for this to never happen. And by the way how’s the crystal cleaning event going to help with this crash/ lagging issues with your server. Looks like you need to upgrade and fix things sooner rather than later if you expect people to spend on an ever frustrating experience in game. Any advice/ suggestions or information on this issue thats productive would be something to address to the whole community. Make it a priority Kabam. Much more important than more offers.