Kabam, if you haven't considered it already, please keep the WoW/SoS/etc going long term

Possibly a hot take, but these fights have been extremely fun. Don't get me wrong, having everest content to do or Carina Challenges to plan for is great and all, but those are all investment heavy pieces of content with one time payouts. The SoS style of fights has been such a refreshing change of pace. The fights are hard but not impossible, they often require use of Champs you wouldn't normally use, they give a decent chunk of rewards that (I feel) is worth the effort.
Some fights can be overtuned, sure, or some mechanics can be a bit finicky, but overall the fights have been extremely manageable. It's been nice being able to look forward to content that isn't a walk in the park. Story chapters have had the difficulty super tuned down, and EQ is extremely simple at this point, so having content you actually have to read the nodes and work with them has been fantastic.
Some fights can be overtuned, sure, or some mechanics can be a bit finicky, but overall the fights have been extremely manageable. It's been nice being able to look forward to content that isn't a walk in the park. Story chapters have had the difficulty super tuned down, and EQ is extremely simple at this point, so having content you actually have to read the nodes and work with them has been fantastic.
I would also like a Ch 8 crucible sometime in the future, but if you release that too soon than having one for Ch 9 will be a much longer wait.
They have milked act 7.
They will milk act 8 similarly.
It's crystal clear not even an assumption.
Why only bosses.
That one Hyperion , that aspect of war labtron somewhere, friendly neighborhood acid wash mysterio, a right side defender from omega red quest, defender from symbiote supreme quest, from havok quest, a couple from mordo quest.
Maybe they were harder because of the gated paths.
Even after these many years, I have faint memories of act6 and planning.
In Act7/Act8, I have no memory of what fights were harder, just a couple where I used a revive.
Initial Act6 was like, okay we have farmed some revives and lets clear couple paths.
People got mad tho, and I don't blame them. It was indeed hard to put so much effort and time on every single path for an average fun loving player.