Realm events are a miss

hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
I think as the crystal event demonstrates, the idea of realm events is a miss. It sucks having to rely on other people in the game to get rewards. Relying on alliance mates is easier because we chat and know one another, and have more incentive to help each other get rewards, and it's only 29 other people. I opened over 2000 crystals so far, and I am not about to open the rest of my 1000 crystals just so I can get some mid rewards. I get this event was a test, and the rewards are not meant to be good. But I keep seeing posts across social media of people telling others to open all their crystals and contribute to the event, which is such a bad take.

Now the BG season will also be a realm event, so I have to rely on people to do BGs to play so I can get rewards. Last season I put up like 400k points in the solo event, and this season I'll probably get worse rewards for the same effort, because not everyone in the game plays BGs, or like BGs or wants to play it. I really wish they kept the solo event and removed the alliance event instead. But this just further proves my point.

It worked for dying in Necropolis because people were dying to try to reach a new progression level. BG and crystal openings aren't anywhere near that level. I can't imagine a realm event that would actually encourage people to participate more than they normally would. Clearly people aren't opening crystals at a higher rate than they normally would (unless Kabam knew the most the game ever opened was like 500M and they made the last milestone unreachable or something). I can't imagine people who don't play BGs will now put extra effort in. I can't imagine people who play BGs casually will put more effort in just to get the same rewards. Players will probably put the same effort in BGs this season, and get less rewards and just be annoyed at the end, and blame others for not contributing more. Seems to be happening with the crystal event already.

I don't want to rely on others to get rewards. I don't want to do extra work just to get the rewards I got before. It's just a bad system in my opinion.


  • DonkeyKongDonkeyKong Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2024
    I wouldn’t consider it bad if the rewards are considered additional rewards but based on kabam crash talking about reward budgeting, i assume that means the rewards would have been placed elsewhere if realms didn’t exist.

    That being said, i think we should wait to see how the battleground one goes. This one was a tester for the system and clearly shows that the completion milestone was too high. They already listened to peoples concern with bg realm event concerns with the point system, so it’s fair to say they would make changes if they have to. For now it’s best to see how this upcoming event plays out and i’m sure if after two realm events they are seeing no full milestone completion then they would either adjust or get rid of it.
  • Antoseum10Antoseum10 Member Posts: 65
    Firstly, the rewards are not that interesting for advanced players.
    Secondly, there are no ranking rewards. So no need to get too involved to get all the rewards.

    Fix these elements and the people will be here.
  • BloodreaperBloodreaper Member Posts: 69
    Hope there's a realm event for the banquet
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★

    i assume that means the rewards would have been placed elsewhere if realms didn’t exist.

    That's my point. I would rather have the rewards elsewhere (solo or alliance events) which I have more control over getting, rather than in realm events where I have to rely on the entire playerbase.
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    We're now behind on the BG event. People will start to notice and stop putting in effort because it's waste time and energy. Some will stop at the she hulk piece. Some will stop wasting elder marks. Realm events are still a huge miss. This one in particular because getting rid of the solo event destroyed a lot of the motivation and incentive people have to play BGs and these realm rewards are a facade because most aren't achievable or guaranteed for your individual effort. Sad state of affairs
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    Realm events are such a miss, they need to give out special objectives to YouTubers to get us milestones and also add random points from Tony stark to get us back on track to reaching all milestones. I guess they're not a miss if kabam gives us random points and we can't lose??
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,110 ★★★★★
    Rewards need to be progression based, then they will be fine.
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