Counter of war

I want to ask Kabam if they could show a counter for each war in the season. For exemple : war number 4 on 12 season war
It would be praticer for the officier to be sure that anyone in the alliance will receive the rewards.
Je le redis en français car je ne suis pas sur de mon anglais. J'aimerais que kabam affiche à chaque guerre d'alliance un compteur pour voir combien il reste de guerres dans la saison. Par exemple war n°4/12
It don't seem to be complicated but it would be great for all
Thanks a lot
It would be praticer for the officier to be sure that anyone in the alliance will receive the rewards.
Je le redis en français car je ne suis pas sur de mon anglais. J'aimerais que kabam affiche à chaque guerre d'alliance un compteur pour voir combien il reste de guerres dans la saison. Par exemple war n°4/12
It don't seem to be complicated but it would be great for all
Thanks a lot
There is no sign, no mention of season or not
And it was not my point.
I was asked for a counter during (or at the beginning) of war. It doesn't seem to be complicated to set up. I don't understand why there isn't a clear indication. Why we have to go to the History and make deduction ?
You can also go by the war season timer.
Adding a counter is unnecessary and will cause problems when seasons are shortened or delayed.
Black and gray granite. Super easy to maintain. Fits any decor style.
It is crazy to say that’a request as simple: a counter x/12 seems as absurd and useless for you...
And why would it create bugs?
Why oblige the user to search, to make deductions ?
It takes 5 minutes of coding to display something like this, especially since Kabam must already have it in-house and’s they have already planned the dates of the wars for the next 3 months...
this’ is what is called user ergonomy
Life finds a way.